RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "COVID"

COVID UPDATE from Prowers County Public Health and Environment

COVID UPDATE from Prowers County Public Health and Environment

  Prowers County moved to Medium Community level by the CDC as of June 17, 2022   Recommended actions based on current level: Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Get tested if you have symptoms. Wear a mask if you have symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19. Wear a mask […]

Prowers County Public Health and Environment COVID-19 Update, December 15, 2021

Prowers County Public Health and Environment COVID-19 Update, December 15, 2021

  The seven-day Test Positivity Rate for COVID-19 cases in Prowers County is 4.87% (goal is <5%). This is down from 8.49% last week according to the December 15th update from the Prowers County Public Health and Environment Department. There have been 27 cases reported in the past seven days of which seven had received […]

National Beef Checkoff Petition Drive Extended Through October 3

National Beef Checkoff Petition Drive Extended Through October 3

      Billings, Mont. – In a letter sent today, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack granted the organizers of the National Beef Checkoff Petition Drive until October 3, 2021 to collect the necessary signatures on the petition calling for a producer vote of the National Beef Checkoff Program. The South Dakota Livestock Auction Markets […]

Granada Moving Forward on Housing Project

Granada Moving Forward on Housing Project

    The Granada Trustees approved a Memorandum of Understanding which will allow a housing construction program for the community to move forward, one of several similar programs being undertaken in southeast Colorado.  The trustees met with Michael Yerman of SCEDD, Southern Colorado Economic Development District and Stephanie Gonzales, Executive Director of SECED, Southeast Colorado […]

Governor Polis Announces 12 Counties in Colorado Surpass 70% Vaccination Rate

  DENVER –  Governor Polis announced that 12 of Colorado’s counties have passed President Joe Biden’s goal to have 70% of the eligible population vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by Independence Day, July 4. This includes Denver County, the state’s most populous county. “I’m thrilled to see that Colorado counties […]

Governor Polis Announces Winner of First $1 Million

Colorado Comeback Cash Vaccine Drawing  DENVER – Governor Polis announced the winner of the first $1 million Colorado Comeback Cash Vaccine Drawing. Sally Sliger, a healthcare worker and current resident of Mead in Weld County, is the first vaccinated Coloradan to win the drawing.  “Congratulations to Sally who is the first Colorado Comeback Cash Vaccine […]

Covid Cases Going Up Again in Prowers County

Covid Cases Going Up Again in Prowers County

    The Covid weekly update from the Prowers County Department of Health and Environment indicates COVID-19 cases have recently climbed in the county. The 7-day average Test Positivity rate is 4.10%, up from 3.49% last week (goal is <5%).  There have been 13 cases in the past seven days and 22 cases in the […]

Prowers County Receives Covid Upgrade to Green Level

Prowers County Receives Covid Upgrade to Green Level

    Prowers County is now Level GREEN on the dial  The update was issued by the Prowers County Department of Public Health and Environment on Wednesday, March 23, 2021. What does this mean for the county? Restaurants can now open at full capacity. Restrictions are lifted except for: The following businesses and activities […]

Lamar City Council Discusses Owner Accountability for Vacant Buildings

Lamar City Council Discusses Owner Accountability for Vacant Buildings

      Lamar City Council members discussed an ordinance, suggested by City Administrator, Steve Kil, that can help officials identify the owners of vacant buildings and the level of the structure’s current code compliance. A 2020 report generated by the city indicated there are over 100 residential and commercial properties in Lamar that are […]

Governor Polis, CDLE Announce Arrival of Direct Cash Payments for Hardworking Coloradans Impacted by Pandemic

Governor Polis, CDLE Announce Arrival of Direct Cash Payments for Hardworking Coloradans Impacted by Pandemic

    DENVER – Governor Polis and the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment announced that the state has begun issuing one-time stimulus payments of $375 to Coloradans facing economic hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  “Whether you’ve suffered from the virus itself, faced economic struggles, or felt the mental toll – no one is […]

Prowers County Weekly COVID-19 Update as of November 24th, 2020

Prowers County Weekly COVID-19 Update as of November 24th, 2020

  551 cumulative total patients with 15 hospitalizations  and 12 deaths for people who have tested positive for COVID. The majority of cases has 85 patients in the 60-69 age range, followed fractionally, by 50-59 years and at least 25 patients are under the age of 10. TESTS Positivity rate is 27.12%, up from 23.56% last week (goal […]

Colorado State Patrol Activates COVID-19 Call Center

Colorado State Patrol Activates COVID-19 Call Center

  COLORADO – As the COVID-19 cases continue to rise across our state, the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) has activated a call center to assist our emergency dispatch centers and Emergency Operations Centers in offsetting the large number of phone calls coming in from the public for general information or assistance related to the pandemic.  […]

Governor Polis Calls for Return to Level 1 Emergency Response to COVID-19 Increases

Governor Polis Calls for Return to Level 1 Emergency Response to COVID-19 Increases

“I will never give up on Coloradans and I know we have the resolve to do what is necessary to defeat this virus. Cases and hospitalizations have continued rising with over 1100 Coloradans currently hospitalized for COVID,” said Governor Polis. “We simply must do a better job of wearing masks, physically distancing and avoiding social […]

Prowers County Clerk's Office Access by Appointment Only

Prowers County Clerk’s Office Access by Appointment Only

As of November 13, 2020, Prowers County moved to a Level Orange/High Risk of the SAFER AT HOME Directive, therefore the Prowers County Clerk and Recorder’s Office will be restricting public access to our office and will be moving to appointment only beginning Monday, November 16, 2020 due to the rapid increase of COVID cases in […]

Colorado Road Fatalities Show No Drop with COVID-19 Slow Down

Colorado Road Fatalities Show No Drop with COVID-19 Slow Down

  COLORADO – The Colorado State Patrol has a life-saving message for motorists. “Slow down, put down your phone, and never drive impaired.” According to the Patrol’s statewide statistics, just as many people have died from crashes on Colorado roadways through October 2020 as they did in 2019, despite less people on the roadways during […]