All Entries in the "Letters to the Editor" Category

Letter to the Editor from Prowers County Coroner
As a longtime citizen of Prowers County and the duly elected Coroner, I believe that transparency of office by all elected officials is a responsibility of those officials and a paramount function in service to the citizens it serves. For this reason, I have created the first annual Coroner’s report and will distribute it to […]

Letter to Editor from Lamar Community Thanksgiving
November 28, 2024 Dear Volunteers and Donors: Thank You. We could not do this without you. This gives us an opportunity to feed families in need or those that do not have Thanksgiving as a traditional meal. We are so blessed to be able to share our table with our community. Those who are homeless, […]

Vote No on Amendment 79
Colorado already has the most liberal abortion law in the country. An abortion can be performed right up until delivery. There is no time limit. A yes vote on Amendment 79 will not make it anymore liberal. If Amendment 79 passes it will allow taxpayer funding for abortions. It will put more stress on our […]

Letter to the Editor – Mental Health Awareness needs to be destigmatized
Dear Editor: My name is Adam and I’ve been a part of the Lamar community for about a decade and living here has been great. There are many local events and a lot of caring people here and many that I have grown to love and care about. This community has grown strong over […]

Letter to the Editor from Lamar Area Hospice
Dear Editor: Our community is at its best when we come together to help others in a time of need. At Lamar Area Hospice, seven trained volunteers give their time, attention, and compassion to help people facing the end of life, live as fully as possible. Our volunteers specialize in various areas of service, including […]

Letter to the Editor: Stepping Up to the ‘Plate’
In 1995, a group of motivated community members recognized the need to make significant improvements to Merchants’ Park. Two committees were formed to raise funds and make improvements, so contributions would stretch as far as possible. According to initial documents, the group to solicit donations included Gib Sprout, L.D. Elarton, John Hartshorn, Gary […]

Letter to the Editor for Colorado County Clerks Association Executive Board
Colorado County Clerks Association Executive Board ℅ Executive Director Matt Crane RE: Support of Prowers County Clerk Colorado County Clerks Association Executive Board, The Board of County Commissioners of Prowers County, Colorado, writes this letter to you as a response to your letter to elected officials dated December 8, 2023. Colorado deserves free, […]

BoCC Letter to Editor re: PUC
Chairman Eric Blank Commissioner Megan Gilman Commissioner Tom Plant Colorado Public Utilities Commission 1560 Broadway, Suite 250 Denver, CO 80202 RE: Xcel Energy’s Colorado Power Pathway Longhorn Extension Dear Commissioners: The Board of County Commissioners for Prowers County strongly supports Xcel Energy’s plans for the future of energy development in Southeast Colorado and Prowers […]

Letter to the Editor: Kate Greenberg, CDA
As the end of the year approaches, we are preparing to say goodbye to our long time Brands Commissioner, Chris Whitney, as he enters retirement. Chris has led the Brands Division for the last twelve years, with its many hard-working inspectors in all regions of the state, with calm practicality and dedication to the […]

Letter to the Editor/ Governor Polis from Prowers County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners Prowers County December 6, 2023 Governor Jared Polis 200 E. Colfax Avenue Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Governor Polis: The Board of County Commissioners of Prowers County would like to take this opportunity to share our concerns about your call to local governments to lower property taxes. As you are aware, […]

Letter to the Editor from SCEDD
December 5, 2023 The Southern Colorado Economic Development District (SCEDD) is an organization serving 13 counties in southern Colorado. SCEDD’s mission is to support the economic development efforts of our member counties, cities, and economic development partners. SCEDD has assisted the counties that make up the Economic Development District with a host of grant-funded […]

Letter To the Editor: Facts vs Rumors on Proposed Stadium
Sorry for the long read, but I feel if someone doesn’t post the truth, all that remains out there are non-facts posted by folks who don’t show up to a single open meeting or even bother making a phone call to the district to find out. My name is Jake Chamberlain. I’m a Lamar RE-2 […]

Dear Editor and Lamar Community,
Are you ready to hear the Bells? The Salvation Army Bells to be specific. Ready or not, the Christmas season is almost upon us. If you are like me, you think it should be a punishable offense to play Christmas music before Thanksgiving is over. Also, Christmas decorations must wait until after thanksgiving. Regardless […]

Letter to the Editor: Hello Fellow Community Friends and Neighbors
Can you believe it has been nine years we have been hosting the Lamar Community Thanksgiving! We always give thanks to God and those who help make this event wonderful. I want to Thank you all ahead of time for your thoughts, energy, donations and effort in making this event happen. This is […]

New Lamar Theater Owners Monica Sutphin and Jeff Travis
A Message to the Community from New Owners of Lamar Theater We are working on a lot of exciting changes that we’d like to get operational first, so I won’t go into details. We will stay open during our transition. However, I will say that we are very mindful of the valued history of the […]