RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Rod Run Car Show"

Lamar City Council Tables Ordinances

Lamar City Council Tables Ordinances

  Following their May 9th work session to discuss two pending ordinances, the Lamar City Council tabled both during its regular session, pending additional discussion.  One ordinance concerns a fee and fine structure for buildings which are being left vacant by owners who have not been adhering to municipal codes for safety, adherence to code […]

Lodging Panel Funding Two Events

Lodging Panel Funding Two Events

    With some COVID-19 restrictions being lifted in Prowers County, two annual events are making their way back to the calendar and requesting funding from the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel. Cindy Bennet, representing the Sand and Sage Prowers County Round-up and BBQ received $3,000 for the event which will be held May 7th […]

2018 Lamar Days, “Shake Rattle and Roll Back to the 50s”

    Despite the chilly, rainy weather this past Saturday morning, participants lined up along East Olive Street in Lamar, ready to brave the elements for the traditional Chamber of Commerce, Lamar Days Parade. Some folks sported seldom-used umbrellas; others wore slickers, while the majority just endured the sprinkles, hoping it would soon stop as […]

Official and New Parade Route for Lamar Days

Official and New Parade Route for Lamar Days

To the Businesses and Community of Lamar,   Editor’s Note: This is the route agreed upon for the Lamar Chamber of Commerce following an earlier meeting with the Lamar Police Department. After much thought and consideration, The Lamar Chamber of Commerce has  decided to take our Lamar Days Parade down a different route this year. […]