Lamar City Council Tables Ordinances
Barbara Crimond | May 10, 2022 | Comments 0
Following their May 9th work session to discuss two pending ordinances, the Lamar City Council tabled both during its regular session, pending additional discussion. One ordinance concerns a fee and fine structure for buildings which are being left vacant by owners who have not been adhering to municipal codes for safety, adherence to code compliance, or making any effort to sell or rehabilitate the structures. During the work session, the council decided to focus on commercial buildings rather than residential and it will finalize the financial structure for application fees and a graduated series of annual fines for failure to comply.
The council also tabled an ordinance which would amend sections of the Lamar Municipal Code pertaining to safe use of North Gateway Park for vehicle speed limits and provisions for owners to safely bring their dogs or pets to an area set aside for a designated dog park. Both ordinances will be reviewed during the council’s May 232rd meeting.
Improvements continue on the building at 700 East Parmenter Street, part of a plan from developer Ivor Hill of Southeastern Colorado Mini-Storage LLC, to repurpose the building and land into a RV storage area. The council reviewed and approved a third and final extension of the contract giving Hill until May 31st to complete all exterior improvements to the main house. They city currently holds a $10,000 performance bond from Hill, tied to the completion of the project. If the requirements have not been met by the deadline, the city will keep the monetary pledge.
The Public Works Department received approval to rent a sewage pump for two months at $33,418 to forestall any potential flooding on the north end of Main Street due to any future significant rainfall. Public Works Director, Pat Mason, told the council two new pumps are on back order at 12 weeks out. Two pumps earmarked for repairs have recently failed, leaving the department with only one working pump. Mason said one pump will be built from cannibalized parts of the two failed units and will be kept as a back-up.
On another matter, Mason told the council he received notice from Riverside Aggregates the company planned on closing its clay pit which the city uses as its supplier for the clay liner at the Lamar landfill. The council approved an agreement with Riverside to assume responsibility for the operation, maintenance and future closure of the pit to ensure a CDPHE approved supply of material. The city will pay the landowner $75 per truckload of clay with a minimum purchase of 160 loads per year, or $12,000 for five years. Mason said the pit should contain sufficient supplies beyond the five year agreement and the landfill is currently good for the next 30 years of operation. “What we take out in clay, we’ll bring back in with filler material,” he explained.
The Lamar Library received permission to alter its policy on charging for printing fees, lost cards/books and other library resources. Librarian Sue Lathrop reviewed the library’s policy and mission statement at the request of councilman Joe Gonzales. Lathrop and the Lamar Advisory Board will have the discretion to reduce or eliminate some fees if they meet the library’s mission in regard to lifelong learning, civic engagement, strengthening the community or improving cultural opportunities to residents.
Overnight camping in Willow Creek Park was approved at the request of the Lamarlins Swim Team which hosts an annual, regional tournament at the Lamar Pool. The dates are for June 2nd to the 5th. The council approved authorization for Lamar Fire Chief Burkhart to apply for $10,000 EMS Subsidy Funds to be used as payment for the department’s medical officer and purchase of recruitment items for future career fairs. $5,000 will also go to Lamar Community College for its EMS training program.
Two letters of support for various projects were approved for the mayor’s signature by the council. One offers support to the US DOT for US 50B Safety Highway Improvements for Freight and Travel (SHIFT) for grant funding for roadway improvements along Highway 50. The second letter supports Crossroads Turning Point, Inc and its CTP application for House Bill 19-1287 funding for the purchase of their building, allowing them to expand and provide MAT services and OP in Lamar.
The week of May 11-17th was proclaimed National Police Week by the council and May 15th as Peace Officer’s Memorial Day. Police Chief Kyle Miller said the observance originated in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy in recognition of officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
City Administrator Rob Evans listed some future community events including Lamar Days which begins with the Friday, May 20th BBQ lunch at the Lamar Chamber of Commerce on East Beech Street. The annual No Booze, Rod-Run Cruise will start at 6pm on the 20th from the Sonic Drive-In on North Main Street and the annual Lamar Days Parade will begin at 10am from the Safeway parking lot on East Olive Street on the 21st. Morning coffee sessions with Evans will be held May 18th at the Lamar Truck Plaza and the 25th at 7am at the Holiday Inn Express.
By Russ Baldwin
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