All Entries Tagged With: "Lamar Light Plant"

Lamar Utilities Board July 11th Meeting
The Lamar Utility Board had $933,482.44 in monthly purchase orders, of that, $919,995.77 required approval including $753,041.57 for the June estimate for power purchases from Arkansas River Power Authority. Bills amounting to $226,241.83 were also noted. Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh explained the plant submitted five bids for fiberglass crossarms to replenish stock inventory […]

LUB Recaps Fire Impact on Power Pole Equipment
Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, informed the utilities board about last week’s fire and high wind impact made on plant equipment. Hourieh stated the power distribution was first impacted by high winds on the afternoon of March 22nd. Around 3pm that afternoon, fire broke out at US Highway 50 which spread to the […]

LUB Passes Financial Resolution
Board members passed a Resolution 23-02-02 declaring that a threshold limit will be set to trigger financial reporting and liability on lease agreements greater than $500 per month, or $6,000 per year effective as of January 1st, 2022. At the February 28th meeting, Light Plant Superintendent Houssin Hourieh informed the board this was merely […]

Brief Agenda for Lamar Utility Board
The Lamar Utility Board approved $90,160.22 in purchases from this past March from a total of $102,987.40 of which $10,055.25 were for vehicle repairs and $59,714.39 were for protection relay upgrades. The board also authorized payment of bills totaling $814,151.14 of which $631,771.43 were for electricity purchases from ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority. Light […]

Lamar Utility Board Reviews 2022 Budget
Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, provided a view of the proposed Capital Improvement and Operation and Maintenance segments of the 2022 budget for Utility Board members on Tuesday, August 24th. A substantial amount of the budget is for repeat expenses and remaining generally in line with the previous year’s financial projection. Capital Improvement […]

Changing City Silhouette
These pictures serve as an example of just how quickly the profile of the Lamar Repowering Project is being altered during the demolition project. The two smoke stacks to the west of the main scaffolding structure were still standing as of Tuesday afternoon. Now, they’ve been cut into approximately 25 foot sections, stretched out […]

Lamar Utility Board Meets for Brief Agenda
The Lamar Utility Board held a brief meeting this past Tuesday, March 9th, during which time they approved $773,939.53 in purchase orders which included the February estimate for power purchased from Arkansas River Power Authority totaling $648,907.23. Total purchase orders amounted to $784,738.47. The board also approved payment of bills amounting to $517,281.81. […]

Equipment Removal Underway at Lamar Light Plant
The process has begun for the eventual removal of the Lamar Repowering Project along North Second and East Maple Streets in Lamar. For the past two days, a crew has been breaking down the Light Plant’s gas turbine, a five-megawatt Merc 50 unit which was purchased by Quantum Power. They subcontracted the transport […]

July 19th was Light Plant Peak Energy Demand
Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh presented the board with the June, 2019 financial report showing few significant changes to the balance sheet with cash down $81,026 from May and accounts receivable increased by $158,047. He attributed a portion of the decline to a cooler than expected June and lower irrigation usage. Despite the […]

LUB Recaps Another Storm and Outages
Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, briefed the Utilities Board on power outages that occurred on Wednesday, March 13th in the Lamar service area. The report read that at about 12:00am on Wednesday, March 13th, the LAMSO substation tripped off-line due to a bus differential fault which was caused by a failed voltage […]

Lamar Utility Board Begins Study on Rate Structure
The Lamar Utility Board received an update on its customer rate structure during their March 13th meeting. Members heard from Andrew Ross, Director of Utility Services and Member Relations of the Nebraska Municipal Power Pool, an organization used by the Light Plant to evaluate their rate structure. The Lamar Light Plant is […]

PEP Searching for New Headquarters
Prowers Economic Prosperity, PEP, is looking for a new office as their last day at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn will be Friday, January 5th. Several locations have been considered, according to PEP President, Rick Robbins, during their January 2nd meeting at Las Brisas Restaurant. He stated a facility that includes a conference room […]