July 19th was Light Plant Peak Energy Demand

Crushed Coal Conveyer


Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh presented the board with the June, 2019 financial report showing few significant changes to the balance sheet with cash down $81,026 from May and accounts receivable increased by $158,047. He attributed a portion of the decline to a cooler than expected June and lower irrigation usage.

Despite the cooler June, July has been making up for the difference. “Our peak demand occurred at 4pm this past Friday, July 19th when the temperature hit 111 degrees.  Our power output to keep up with demand was 28.1 Megawatts,” Hourieh noted, adding that the last high point was around 26 megawatts two years ago.

The total operating revenue for the month is $1,131,483 with operating costs listed at $1,123,443 resulting in gross operating income of $8,040. With non-operating revenues and expenses factored in, there is a net loss for the month of $171,399.

Total operating revenues for the year are $6,143,462 and total operating costs are $5,655,318 resulting in gross operating income of $488,144. When the non-operating revenues and expenses are taken into consideration there is a net loss of $400,745 year to date.

Year to date comparisons with 2018 show a 15% decrease in retail sales revenues or $1,058,627 comparing June 2019 to June 2018 and overall operating expenses are down 6% or $364,096 resulting in a net loss of $400,745 for the year.

Production of electricity from the Plant’s three wind turbines is off by 41.21% compared to the same period last year. The Springfield turbine, usually the best producer was also off by 18.63% for the same period.  The losses were attributed to equipment malfunctions including a pitch motor brake to one turbine while another was offline for three months torque fault problems as well as less wind.  Two of the turbines will be down for as many as six days for repairs to the generator bearings.  Repairs began as of Tuesday, July 23rd.

Hourieh noted monthly purchase orders totaling $62,913.80 and of those, $57,172.84 required board approval. Monthly bills presented totaled $924,090.13.

The board went into executive session requested by board chairman, Douglas Thrall to discuss a legal matter and review a July 18th discussion with Tri State G & T, conducted by Hourieh and board attorney, Don Steerman in Denver at Tri State offices.  Tri State is expected to make a presentation to the ARPA board members during their monthly meeting this Thursday, July 25th in La Junta.
By Russ Baldwin

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