RSSArchive for July 29th, 2019

Birth Announcement: Turner

Birth Announcement: Turner

    Colby Turner and Jaileen Barrow of Lamar, CO announce the birth of their son, Casen Lloyd Turner at 9:05am at Prowers Medical Center on Friday, July 12, 2019 with Dr. Rukama attending. Casen weighed seven pounds and nine ounces at birth.  Brothers/Sisters:  Raegan Turner.

Birth Announcements: James -/- Miller -/- Darnell -/- Lane

Birth Announcements: James -/- Miller -/- Darnell -/- Lane

  Glen and Laura James of Granada, CO announce the birth of their son, Logen Theseus James at 8:30am at Prowers Medical Center on Thursday, July 25, 2019 with Dr. Foley attending. Logen weighed six pounds and 12 ounces and was 19 ¾ inches in length at birth.  Brothers/Sisters:  Aaiden, Odin and Adeline.  Grandparents: Sara […]

Colorado Wins $8 Million Federal Grant for US 287 Improvements

Colorado Wins $8 Million Federal Grant for US 287 Improvements

  Colorado will receive nearly $8.3 million to improve safety and freight efficiency on a 122-mile segment of US 287 in the southeastern part of the state. The U.S. Department of Transportation is awarding the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) $8,297,000 for the Ports-to-Plains project through the federal Infrastructure For Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant program. […]

Lanning E. Likes…May 20, 1944 – July 18, 2019

Lanning E. Likes…May 20, 1944 – July 18, 2019

  Lanning Likes, Lamar native and oldest son of the former Dr. Edwin and Juanita Likes passed away in Denver, CO where he has resided and was in business since 1965. A cremation has already taken place in Denver. A celebration of life memorial service/wake will be scheduled and announced at a future date, (tentatively […]

Leadership Students Brief Rotary on Experiences

Leadership Students Brief Rotary on Experiences

    Several high school students from southeast Colorado, selected by the Lamar Rotary to participate in a leadership training event, related their experiences and impressions from the three day event held at Colorado Mountain College earlier this summer. The meeting took place at Las Brisas Restaurant in Lamar on Thursday, August 25th. The Lamar […]

William “Bill” Allen Fagan...April 2, 1944 - July 26, 2019

William “Bill” Allen Fagan…April 2, 1944 – July 26, 2019

  There will be no services for longtime Lamar resident, William A. Fagan affectionately known to his family and friends as Bill, per his request. Bill was born on April 2, 1944 at Bristol, Colorado to William and Cora (Turpin) Fagan and passed away on July 26, 2019 at his home in Lamar with his […]