Holly Town Administrator Leaving Position



Jerry L’Estrange, Holly Town Administrator, presided over his final Trustees meeting, Wednesday, November 2nd.  L’Estrange stated he made the decision based on the need to attend to the medical needs for a family member.  “I’ve enjoyed the work I’ve done in Holly for the past two years, but family matters outweigh professional considerations in this case,” he stated following the monthly Trustees meeting.  L’Estrange was hired first as interim administrator following the resignation of Marsha Willhite in that position several years ago.  The Trustees did not state any plans to search for a new administrator at this time.  L’Estrange reviewed a checklist of issues facing the town and Trustees, providing most recent updates on each of the concerns and laying out a general forecast on what should transpire in the months to come.

The town needs a new refuse collection truck and the Trustees will need to determine which style of truck best suits the town’s needs and whether it should be new or used, based on price considerations. L’Estrange said the information has been given to Keith Dennis, Field Services Supervisor for the town who will conduct the research for the best model.

L’Estrange said he’ll provide final updates on a tentative Water Master Plan for the town. “This is about half completed and I’ll leave it with Town Clerk Megan Jara to complete the updates.  This will be needed when the town begins to apply for new grants for water projects.  The administrator was one of many officials who attended a landfill and asbestos meeting held recently in Pueblo, meant to compile concerns regarding asbestos.  U.S. Senator Cory Gardner intends to review and/or modify regulations to make it easier in rural areas to deal with the issue.  He said one issue is that landfills in smaller communities may have to cease operations and transport their refuse to a regional center.  “If that goes into effect, because we have a landfill that is in compliance, we may be targeted for people to bring their materials to us.”  He said this is a future concern the Trustees should remain aware of.

Another health concern he mentioned dealt with the Backflow Survey that is mandated by the state. The town needs to complete the study to be able to remain in compliance with the state health department.  L’Estrange said Holly come be fined in the future if it doesn’t meet the required checkpoints for future action.

The REDI grant for improvements on Second Street is still pending. The project is estimated at $77,000 and the grant covers the cost of construction up to $52,500 with the town making up the difference.  L’Estrange said there are some ways in which the cost can be reduced by using some different types of piping and valves.

L’Estrange had been serving as the town’s liaison to PEP, Prowers Economic Prosperity, which replaced PCDI several months ago. He said the town should have a representative on the board and it need not be a Trustee, but someone who would take an active interest in serving on the economic development group and making certain that Holly’s interests were not over-looked.  He said he also brought up the matter during the monthly Holly Commercial Club meeting.  The Trustees took no action on the matter, but said it will be discussed at a future point.  L’Estrange said he’d also list the need on the town’s monthly newsletter after the Trustees have had the option to volunteer.

The Trustees decided to table action on certification for adopting Ordinance 513, a Municipal Code for Holly, until next month’s meeting, December 8th.  The ordinance has been on and off the table for about two years.  A public hearing on the matter is expected to be posted.  The Trustees voted to approve the liquor license renewal for East Side Liquor, the also approved the renewal for insurance coverage for the town for another year, through CIRSA.  There will be no changes in the premiums, and the Trustees approved a proposal to seek sponsors for Christmas lights and décor to decorate the town’s Main Street light poles for the approaching holidays.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: City of HollyCountyEmploymentFeatured


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