RSSArchive for November 17th, 2016

Local Veterans are Honored

Local Veterans are Honored

The Lamar Eagles and Elks Lodges paid their individual respects to area veterans with complimentary meals for all who served in the armed forces on Friday, November 11th.  Veteran’s Day, which in the past was known as Armistice Day, celebrated the signing of a peace treaty decades ago at the end of World War 1.  […]

Serve Safe Food This Holiday Season

Serve Safe Food This Holiday Season

Food is an important part of many holiday events. “With so many home cooks planning to prepare large meals over the holidays, coupled with the fact that one in six people become sick from a foodborne illness each year, this is the best time for reminders about the importance of safe food handling for good […]

Birth Announcements: Horn - / - Thompson

Birth Announcements: Horn – / – Thompson

  Roman and Tristan Horn of Springfield, Colorado announce the birth of their son, Mason Allen Hom at 5:10pm at Prowers Medical Center on Monday, November 14, 2016 with Sharon Hendricks attending. Mason weighed seven pounds and ten ounces and was 20 inches in length at birth.  Brothers/Sisters:  Braylee Horn.  Grandparents:  Brad and Crystal Rush […]

Lamar Council Okays Police-Fire Department Equipment Upgrades

Lamar Council Okays Police-Fire Department Equipment Upgrades

The Lamar City Council approved a request for a software program to aid in police investigations. Police Chief, Kyle Miller, explained the free program from Tracers Information Specialists will provide access to public records and data sources to qualified organizations.  Chief Miller explained, “The information will only be used for investigations by the department.  The […]

County Seeks $1M Grant for Courthouse Repairs

County Seeks $1M Grant for Courthouse Repairs

The Prowers County Courthouse, constructed and dedicated in 1929, is in need of at least $1M in upgrades. The Prowers County Commissioners have applied for a grant to cover the costs of the comprehensive project which includes a new HVAC system, complete replacement of the electrical infrastructure and LED lighting replacement and retrofits. The courthouse […]

Lodging Tax Panel Receives Timely, Hefty Payment

Lodging Tax Panel Receives Timely, Hefty Payment

Not that the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel was absent any funds, but their October payment from the state of $28,874 helped fund some recent requests and added to their contingency fund. “This is the largest payment we received from the state all year,” said Carla Scranton, Panel Business Manager, “we knew it was coming […]