Lamar Youth Council Hosts Open House

Courtney Neuhold, Director



Members of the Lamar Prowers County Youth Council hosted an open house this past Friday, for their new, permanent location at 120 South Main Street in Lamar.

New Location at 120 South Main in Lamar

Students, council members and volunteers and interested community members were greeted by the students and by Courtney Neuhold, who recently became the executive director of the organization.

She provided an overview of the council which is open to students in K-12th grades in all four school districts in the county and are served by two facilitators in each district.

“We serve Lamar and there are headquarters in our other towns, Wiley, Granada and Holly, each with their own meeting schedules, although we do host activities at our new locations for all students,” she explained.

The newly remodeled facility stretches from Main Street to alley providing ample room for some racks and shelves for games and books, desks, a small kitchen in the read and some arcade games such as Pac-Man.

Neuhold added, “We have a youth night for grades 6 and up from 5:30 to 8pm where we’ll provide some fun activities such as games, movies, paint and craft works as well as snacks and we also offer a variety of life skills for the students such as how to cope with peer pressures.”

In the past, students have developed community-oriented projects like chalk talk or outdoor movies for families in the summertime.  The entire operation is grant funded, provided through the efforts of the Prowers County Commissioners.

By Russ Baldwin



Filed Under: City of LamarCountyEducationFeaturedRecreationSchoolYouth


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