RSSArchive for January 17th, 2023

The License Comes before the Chicken OR the Egg

The License Comes before the Chicken OR the Egg

  With the rising prices on eggs, the City of Lamar/Lamar Police Department understands more Lamar residents will be inclined to purchase chickens for the production of eggs. We would like to remind citizens that they are allowed to keep chickens within city limits only by obtaining a chicken license first.  Failure to obtain a license […]

Good Citizens Honored by DAR

Good Citizens Honored by DAR

Six area students were honored on Saturday, January 7, 2023, by the Fort William Bent Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Lamar at the Las Brisas Restaurant.  They received recognition, a Good Citizen Pin and certificate along with a delicious breakfast buffet. The DAR Good Citizens program and scholarship contest is intended […]

Lamar Bleacher Upgrade Decision Anticipated

Lamar Bleacher Upgrade Decision Anticipated

    The Lamar Re-2 School Board should have a decision on the path they’ll take to reconstruct the bleachers at Thunder Stadium by its February 13th meeting. Board members have been weighing a host of factors to arrive at the best potential outcome for renovations over the past year and held a January 16th […]