July 9 Set for Lamar Residents to Weigh in on Redistricting Plans for Colorado
Barbara Crimond | Jun 22, 2021 | Comments 0
Colorado’s redistricting commissions will begin a statewide touring session seeking resident input on the congressional and legislative district maps that are being created. Essentially because of Colorado’s increased population from the 2020 Census, a new district can be created in the state. It is mandated to occur every ten years following a census. Where it will be placed will be determined in part from resident’s responses and concerns as presented to the commission representatives. Lamar will host this group on Friday, July 9th at a time and place yet to be determined.
Draft map plans will be presented to the public during these meetings and once they conclude on August 28th, the final map structure will be formulated and presented to the Colorado Supreme Court for a final review and determination by November. The maps will include a new, eighth district and redraw Colorado’s seven other U.S. House seats to account for the state’s 14.5% population growth over the past decade. The legislative commission will redraw the state’s 65 House and 35 Senate seats based on this population increase.
Information being sought by these meetings include: determining a community of interest within a district that would be subject for state or federal legislative action. Those interests would reflect shared public policy concerns of urban, rural, agricultural, industrial or trade areas as well as transportation needs, public health, water needs and supplies and issues of regional demonstrable significance.
Population groups comprising a community of interest include racial, ethnic and language minority groups with compliance of articles protecting against the denial of the right to vote due to a person’s race or language minority group. Community of interest does not include political relationships including incumbents, candidates or political parties.
To help prepare for the July 9th meeting, residents can determine what interests are paramount in their community, any public policy concerns, geographic features important to the community or anything else the commissions should know about an area.
Colorado’s House of Representatives is made up of 65 districts and the state senate is made up of 35 districts. Prowers County is representation falls under the 64th House and 35th Senate districts.
If you have questions regarding the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commissions, you may contact us by email colorado.redistricting2020@state.co.us or call the staff director at (303) 503-8684.
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