RSSArchive for June 9th, 2021

PCPHE Reports No COVID-19 Outbreaks for the County as of June 9, 2021

PCPHE Reports No COVID-19 Outbreaks for the County as of June 9, 2021

    The seven-day average Test Positivity rate is currently XXX%, down from 2.72% last week (goal is <5%) and the positivity percentage is <2%.  There have been only three cases in the past seven days and 10 cases in the past 14 days.  At present, there are NO outbreaks in Prowers County according to […]

National Audubon Society (Prowers County) nets $317K RESTORE Colorado grant for Habitat Improvement

National Audubon Society (Prowers County) nets $317K RESTORE Colorado grant for Habitat Improvement

    National Audubon Society (Prowers County) received a $317,686 grant to restore and improve the management of private ranches in critical grassland habitat and identify and develop habitat management plans. Management plans will focus on improving habitat for focal bird species such as lesser prairie chicken, eastern black rail, lark bunting, and thick-billed longspur. […]