COVID-19 Update from PCPHE for Week of June 16, 2021
Barbara Crimond | Jun 16, 2021 | Comments 0
The Prowers County Department of Public Health and Environment reported that as of June 15th, 2021, the seven-day Test Positivity Rate for Covid cases in the county is 1.61% which falls below the goal of 5% of less. There have been two cases in the past seven days and five within the past 14 days of reporting.
- There are now variant cases that have been detected in Prowers County. The Delta variant is causing rising rates, hospitalizations and outbreaks in Western Colorado and it is projected that it will be the primary cause of COVID-19 infection within the next couple of weeks. It is 50% more transmissible than non-variant COVID-19 viruses.
- WALK-IN VACCINE CLINICS: Due to changes made by CDPHE we are now able to offer walk-in vaccine clinics. You can get an appointment or just walk-in from 9:00AM to 11:00AM and 2:00PM-4:00PM Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
o Tuesday: Jannsen (aka Johnson & Johnson, J&J) one dose vaccine, age 18+
o Wednesday: Moderna, 2-dose series, 28 days apart, age 18+
o Thursday: Pfizer, 2-dose series, 21 days apart, age 12+
- Governor Polis announced this week that there will be a series of $1 million dollar giveaways for those 18 and up who are vaccinated. $50,000 scholarships will be given to those age 12-17. The self-check portal is not working well. The hotline to check that you are in the drawing and further information can be found at:
- As of 06/14/2021, 38.1% of eligible Prowers County residents are vaccinated, up from 37.6% last week. The goal is 70%
- Did you know that if your 12 and up kids are vaccinated, they do not have to quarantine this fall if they are exposed at school?
- Vaccine in Prowers County are available at PCPHE, High Plains Community Health Center, Safeway, and Walmart Pharmacies.
- The vaccine bus will be in our region later this month. No appointment is necessary and walk-ups are welcome! If you want a particular vaccine, an appointment is encouraged so that the staff have enough of the vaccine that you prefer. An appointment is also encouraged for those 12-17 since there is only 1 vaccine approved for this age group. See the bus schedule and set up appointments here:
- FREE COMMUNITY TESTING for all is available at High Plains Community Health Center Monday thru Friday at 11:00 AM. If you think you may have COVID-19, have been exposed or require testing for any reason, call public health directly at 336-8721 to schedule.
If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911.
- Stay home if not feeling well, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently or use 60+% alcohol-based hand sanitizer, wear a mask/face covering to contain any respiratory droplets and stay at least 6 feet from others. Minimize gatherings.
- Call with questions or to schedule a testing appointment (719) 336-8721.
Filed Under: City of Granada • City of Holly • City of Lamar • City of Wiley • County • COVID-19 • Featured • Health • Hot Topics • Media Release • Public Safety
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