Holly Gets Landfill Extension, Talks Continue
Barbara Crimond | Feb 10, 2020 | Comments 0
Holly Trustees were in general acknowledgement after their January meeting, that the town landfill would be closed by April. They decided to postpone awarding a bid to hire a trash collector who would transport residential refuse to an out-of-town landfill, perhaps Lamar or Springfield.
The February 5th meeting brought some changes in that, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment will be open to proposals and discussions at a general meeting at the Lamar Community Building on February 12th to discuss options. After communicating with the CDPHE, Holly Mayor Calvin Melcher and Town Administrator, Michael Tanner, informed the board that the community has been given an extension until November and perhaps December, 2020 to review their options based on the financial burden the alternatives could impart to community residents.
The Lamar City Council, in an effort to cover their landfill operating expenses, decided in January to increase the tipping fees for commercial trash refuse to $70, ten dollars above the former $60 cost. Lamar had been the nearest choice, but city officials are wary that increased refuse, even if compacted at a proposed Holly transfer station, would still shorten the life of the current landfill and contribute to additional operating expenses. The February 12th meeting is expected to bring several interested parties together to weigh options for a workable solution.
The Holly Trustees also motioned to accept the bid proposal for trash services from Kelby Sikes of Plains Disposal. Holly Trustee, Larry Sitts, addressed the board, “This is the third time this man has come before us to make a proposal and to hear what we’re going to do with his bids. I don’t think it’s fair to ask him leave this meeting empty-handed without us giving his bid due consideration.” Sikes echoed the sentiment, adding that if his bid is tabled, he won’t bother making a return to the Trustees given the time and effort he has already spent to reach an accord with the Trustee’s requirements on bid process alterations. The motion to approve his bid to November passed unanimously. Sikes said he would be able to begin trash service by April which will give residents time to be notified of the change in the collection process and for Sikes to purchase additional trash totes as well as a vehicle for the Holly operation. Details for the trash collection will be worked out in a future work session.
Holly residents will cast their votes for four new Trustees on election day, Tuesday, April 7th. Town Clerk Megan Jara had candidates take part in a random drawing to determine the position of their names on the ballot. Candidates for Trustee in ballot order are: Rod Swisher, Corey Stephens, Blaine Ice, Vance Brian, Zach Davis and Casey Rushton. The top three with highest votes will serve from 2020 – 2024. The fourth will serve from 2020-2022. The Trustees also passed a resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to appoint election judges and establish a rate of pay for their services.
The Holly Library does not have sufficient funding to continue to remain open to the public. Librarian Elaine Anderson recapped a written report which was given to the Trustees for their meeting outlining the situation now being faced by the library. Lack of funding has prevented the library from remaining open for the required 20 hours per week to qualify for a state grant, which in turn, prevents the library from applying for future grants. Anderson informed the Trustees several months ago of her retirement and submitted her resignation which will become effective this spring. The Library Board recommended altering its designation from a governing board to an advisory board. This would place the operation of the library under the Trustees which already has funding and insurance liability coverage to make the transfer. The Trustees took recommendations under advisement and will discuss their options.
The Trustees approved the purchase of town mower, a Grasshopper model from Lamar Auto Parts and approved the purchase of 41 assorted utility poles for $12,014, a used Digger Derek Truck from Lamar Light and Power for $25,000 and a pump and motor for the town’s east well for $12,868.
In other action, the Town’s new personnel management manual from Administrator Tanner was reviewed in draft form and the Trustees tabled its acceptance until some revisions can be made for some policies. There was some discussion on the need to bring under control, the growing problem for unregistered animals at-large in the community. Trustee Rod Swisher donated a sizeable cage which would be used to transport dogs to the Lamar Animal Shelter where they would be kept for five days before coming Lamar’s property for adoption. That offer is extended so long as Lamar has room for the extra animals. There is still considerable discussion pending on how to register dogs, where to keep them before transport and develop a code enforcement procedure as well as the person who would be in charge of handling stray or problem animals.
The next Holly town meeting is set for Wednesday, March 4th.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: City of Holly • Consumer Issues • Elections • Featured • Law Enforcement
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