RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Holly Colorado"

Media Release from Prowers County Sheriff's Office

Media Release from Prowers County Sheriff’s Office

12-29-2022 REF: Sheriff’s Office & Town of Holly Municipal Law Enforcement Contract The Prowers County Sheriff’s Office would like to notify the public that the Town of Holly has chosen to not renew their contract with PCSO for law enforcement services, moving into the year 2023. This requires the turn back of one of the […]

Dollar General Bid Nixed in Holly Trustees Vote

Dollar General Bid Nixed in Holly Trustees Vote

    The Holly Trustees, by a six to nothing vote, decided not to accept a $70,000 bid from Vaquero Ventures – Dollar General for frontage property owned by the Town.  Action on Resolution 2021-9 was a portion of the agenda for the April 7th Trustees meeting.  The town had put out a bid on […]

Holly Postpones Landfill Closing to November

Holly Postpones Landfill Closing to November

    The Holly town landfill may have more lives than a cat! The Trustees were to consider closing the landfill by Saturday, September 5th during their monthly meeting and move forward with an alternative plan for refuse collection and disposal. The concerns over opening or closing have always revolved around customer costs and trying […]

Holly Gets Landfill Extension, Talks Continue

Holly Gets Landfill Extension, Talks Continue

    Holly Trustees were in general acknowledgement after their January meeting, that the town landfill would be closed by April. They decided to postpone awarding a bid to hire a trash collector who would transport residential refuse to an out-of-town landfill, perhaps Lamar or Springfield. The February 5th meeting brought some changes in that, […]

Holly Electric Rates to Remain Unchanged

Holly Electric Rates to Remain Unchanged

    Holly Mayor, Calvin Melcher, cast the tie-breaking vote for Ordinance 530 to prevent the raising of rates and tariffs for municipal electric customers. The four to three split had Trustees Corey Stephens, Jacob Holdren and Joshua Reinert in favor and Larry Sitts, Anthony Moldenhauer and Rod Swisher opposed. The tie was ended with […]

Holly Trustees Welcome New Administrator, Sets Infrastructure Goals for 2020

Holly Trustees Welcome New Administrator, Sets Infrastructure Goals for 2020

  Michael Tanner, Holly’s newly hired city administrator, attended his first Trustees meeting on Wednesday, December 4th and got right into the mix of an agenda that covered the town’s 2020 budget and mill levy, discussion of the need for a personnel policy manual, appointments to the ARPA board following the resignation of David Wilhite […]

Holly Administrator Search Narrows

Holly Administrator Search Narrows

        The search for a new administrator for the Town of Holly has been narrowed to two candidates. Interim Administrator, Steven Rabe, told the Trustees Monday night, October 2nd, he will contact the two, Edward Patton of Sedgwick, Kansas and Michael Tanner from Barling, Arkansas, to set up interview dates to meet […]

Melcher Appointed as Holly Mayor

Melcher Appointed as Holly Mayor

    Calvin Melcher’s lone application for Mayor of Holly was unanimously approved by the Holly Trustees during their board meeting on Wednesday, July 17th.  Melcher will serve the unfinished term of five months, replacing former Mayor Tony Garcia who resigned this past May.  He will be eligible for two full terms at the start […]



    In conjunction with the Holly Days celebration, which commemorates Holly’s recovery from the 1965 flood, the Bluegrass Festival will kick-off FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 7th at 6:00 p.m. with the Commercial Club Bar-B-Q and Open Jam Session in Gateway Park. All musicians are welcome to join in. Everyone is invited to come out and […]



  On May 17, 2019 at approximately 14:20 pm, the Colorado State Patrol responded to a one-vehicle rollover crash that occurred on Prowers County Road 35, north of Prowers County Road NN.5, approximately 8 miles north of town of Holly. A 1998 Ford Ranger, driven by 58 year old Robert Davis of Holly, CO, was […]

Holly Postponing New Administrator Search

Holly Postponing New Administrator Search

  The search for a new Holly Town Administrator is on hold for the summer, scheduled to resume in August. The Holly Trustees decided to resume the search several months from now during their May 1st board meeting.  There were several points of difference between the Trustees and the candidate, who, according to Holly Mayor, […]

Holly Trustees Narrow Administrator Search

Holly Trustees Narrow Administrator Search

    The Holly Trustees plan to interview two finalists for the Town Administrator’s post during a session tentatively scheduled for April 18th.  The Trustees met with consultant Steve Rabe during their April 3rd meeting to review the procedures they will employ during the interview session including provisions for salary, termination and length of contract. […]

Holly Residents Involved in Single Vehicle Accident in Baca County

Holly Residents Involved in Single Vehicle Accident in Baca County

    On Sunday, March 24, 2019 at approximately 11:50 hours, an accident occurred on Baca County Road 44 approximately .5 miles north of Baca County Road Q, in Baca County Colorado.   A black 1994 Chevrolet Suburban was driven by Fred Salinas of Holly Colorado, was traveling southbound and went off the road into […]

Holly Trustees Approve Contract Search for Administrator

Holly Trustees Approve Contract Search for Administrator

    The Holly Trustees hired the services of consultant Steve Rabe of Canon City to search for a new town administrator for the community. Rabe will be engaged for special projects, duties and assignments, as determined by the Holly mayor under the agreement while the search for a permanent replacement is underway.  The contract […]

Holly Trustees Receive ARPA Update

Holly Trustees Receive ARPA Update

    Rick Rigel, General Manager of the Arkansas River Power Authority, (ARPA) briefed the Holly Trustees on the organization’s latest efforts for negotiating a bond sale to Tri State G & T during the Trustees’ first meeting of 2019, held this past Wednesday, January 2nd. “It’s been almost a year since ARPA and Tri-State […]