Holly Postpones Landfill Closing to November



The Holly town landfill may have more lives than a cat! The Trustees were to consider closing the landfill by Saturday, September 5th during their monthly meeting and move forward with an alternative plan for refuse collection and disposal. The concerns over opening or closing have always revolved around customer costs and trying to follow guidelines established by the Colorado Department of Health & Environment for either maintaining or closing the landfill site. After a lengthy discussion with the public, the Trustees decided to move forward on a motion from new Trustee Zach Davis and voted to keep the landfill open until November 30th. By that time, some new efforts will be made to get a response from the CDPHE on the town’s options.

Whatever the town decides, there will be costs, whether it’s bringing in roll offs to store refuse until it’s hauled away to a different location, establishing a transfer station while allowing tree and branch disposal at the landfill, curbside pick-up of routine trash and special orders to haul away appliances or furniture or closing the current landfill and opening a brand new one.

Some members of the audience and some Trustees agreed that at this point, until the state offers some feedback, the CDPHE should just, “hang” regarding their ability to levy fines against the community. “If we’re broke and they (CDPHE) say their short of funds, what are they going to do to us? They can’t close down the town,” was the central theme expressed for the conundrum. There were also some concerns that residents would just start dumping their trash out on the prairie if they didn’t want to pay a higher rate.

Rates, or lack of an appropriate fee over the years was suggested as a contributing factor to the current dilemma. Town Clerk, Megan Jara, presented an engineering study commissioned for the community by a firm which outlined a, “How Did We Get Here” recap from the past six or seven years of landfill considerations and actions.

The Trustees decided to use this extra time to touch base again with state legislators to initiate a face-to-face meeting with CDPHE officials and seek information about funding to help with whatever costs will be involved with a final landfill solution.

Holly Trustee Zach Davis

In other action, Zach Davis was administered his oath of office as Holly’s newest Trustee, joining Jacob Holdren, Rod Swisher, Blaine Ice, Vance Brian and Casey Rushton as board members. He will serve until the next election on April 2022, having replaced Anthony Moldenhauer who resigned recently.

The Trustees will attend either in person or by phone, the Wednesday, September 16th public hearing of the Prowers County Planning Commission regarding the town’s request to implement a Roll Off Transfer Station Waste Disposal System on land located withing the current landfill site. The meeting begins at 8am at the County Annex in Lamar. The Trustees decided to leave the roll-off at the landfill site up to the meeting.

If anyone wants to buy a used pick-up truck, garbage truck or one or several dumpsters, get in touch with the town. There were no bids for some of these items by the advertised deadline and the Trustees decided to let them go for the first best offer. There are over 100 dumpsters which can be had at $10 apiece.

The Trustees accepted the 2020 insurance quotes from CIRSA, the Colorado Intergovernmental Risk Sharing Agency. Property Casualty went up from $28,982.08 to $30,297.24 based mostly on claims for hail damage and the need for pool repairs. The Workers Compensation premium dropped from $15,865 in 2019 to $11,159 for the new year. The repair bid for A/C unit at the Theater was approved at $18,300 which will be covered by insurance.

Cheyenne and 3rd Streets will be closed for the four days of the Gateway Fair, set for September 24th through the weekend. The old school gym will not be used for displays this year, but both the Senior Center and the Holly Pride Committee Building at 201 South Main will be made available. The use of McCormick Park was granted for revival meetings October 11-14th, the third year they have been held at the site.

The Trustees decided to appraise land east of the town on Highway 50 for potential save to developer Adam Cathcart who said he plans to open at least three separate ag-oriented businesses at the location. “I’m open to a sale or lease agreement and would consider annexing the property into the city which would help with your tax structure,” he stated. The Trustees will also check for the legal parameters of sale or lease transfer options on the property.

Trustee Rod Swisher, reporting for the Holly Commercial Club, informed the Trustees, the Club proposed to spend a $1,000 donation from Pedal the Plains to erect a three section kiosk at the southern end of Gateway Park.  “We would have a map of the town, a business listing and a listing of events,” he explained to the Trustees who granted approval for the project.

Future water resources for Holly are also a prime concern for the Trustees and several will attend a water engineer workshop in the community on Thursday, September 17th to discuss costs and options.

By Russ Baldwin.






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