RSSArchive for January 29th, 2020

Another Successful Year for the Lamar Area Hospice Fundraising Committee

Another Successful Year for the Lamar Area Hospice Fundraising Committee

  The dedicated and extremely capable Lamar Area Hospice Fundraising Committee presented a check for $53,000 to Deb Pelley, Executive Director of Hospice, highlighting the results of three enormously successful events; the Pirate’s Party in February hosted by The Buzzard’s Roost, Jay Gruber, Karen Moreno and Joe Malecki, The Annual Dinner/Dance and Auction at the […]

Lamar Utility Board Gains Member, Loses Member

Lamar Utility Board Gains Member, Loses Member

    Lamar resident, Jay Brooke became the latest Lamar Utility Board member with his oath of office, administered prior to the January 28th meeting by County Court Judge, Lane Porter. Brooke’s new position comes at the same time that Leo Hernandez tended his resignation to the board effective, January 26th after serving for seven […]