RSSArchive for January 9th, 2020

Holly Electric Rates to Remain Unchanged

Holly Electric Rates to Remain Unchanged

    Holly Mayor, Calvin Melcher, cast the tie-breaking vote for Ordinance 530 to prevent the raising of rates and tariffs for municipal electric customers. The four to three split had Trustees Corey Stephens, Jacob Holdren and Joshua Reinert in favor and Larry Sitts, Anthony Moldenhauer and Rod Swisher opposed. The tie was ended with […]

Trooper Tips - “Older Drivers”

Trooper Tips – “Older Drivers”

  Driving is a feeling of freedom you get when you’re able to just travel wherever you wish. But, there may come a point in time when either you or someone close to you must make the decision to put the keys away and find another way to commute. Talking to an older person about […]