CSP, Pack the Cruiser for Christmas
Barbara Crimond | Nov 17, 2018 | Comments 0
The Colorado State Patrol will be holding the 6th Annual Christmas Cruiser Challenge: Pack The Patrol Car on November 23, 2018 starting at 8:00 am at the Walmart stores in La Junta and Lamar. Look for the banner and patrol cars parked near the store entrance.
The Colorado State Patrol is challenging everyone in the community to pack the patrol cars with toys, which will be given to local children for Christmas. The toys collected at the La Junta Walmart will be donated to children in that local area. The toys collected at the Lamar Walmart will be donated to the Lamar Toys For Tots.
The Colorado State Patrol is encouraging you to take the challenge on November 23rd! Together as a community, we can make a difference and help bring some joy to families this Christmas season.
If you are unable to donate on Friday and still wish to do so, you may contact the local Colorado State Patrol Troop Office: La Junta- 719-384-8981 Lamar- 719-336-7403. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated!
The Colorado State Patrol- Our Family Protecting Yours Since 1935.
Filed Under: City of Lamar • Events • Featured • Law Enforcement • Media Release • Youth
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