RSSArchive for November 20th, 2018

Birth Announcement: Kiniston

Birth Announcement: Kiniston

  Heather Kiniston of Lamar, Colorado announces the birth of her daughter, Olivia Marie Kiniston at 10:33pm at Prowers Medical Center on Saturday, November 17, 2018 with Dr. Foley attending. Olivia weighed five pounds and 11 ounces and was 18 inches in length at birth.  Grandparents:  Gary and Son Kiniston and Valerie Bussey.

Sanchez Returns to SBDC

Sanchez Returns to SBDC

The Southeast Colorado Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is pleased to announce the return of Cheryl Sanchez as a SBDC Consultant for Prowers, Baca, and Kiowa Counties. Sanchez served as both SBDC Director and LCC Business faculty in 2000 – 2001 before becoming a full-time faculty member. She eventually retired from LCC as the Vice […]