Holly Commercial Sets New Meeting Time



The Holly Commercial Club will begin to meet on a quarterly schedule through the year and in the evenings. Members decided to introduce the new schedule during their noon meeting on October 4th at the United Methodist Church.  It was thought that the new schedule would provide an easier time for all members to attend.  The next meeting date will be made available to all members through emails, as well as a survey.

In other action, board members welcomed Manny Vazquez from Vasquez Appliance and Furniture on his first-time attendance with the Club. The Old Fashioned Christmas will be held on Wednesday, December 6th with Jennifer Holdren of Holly Chiropractic and Amber Reinert of Headwinds by Amber, taking the lead.  More information will be made available on the commercial club facebook site.

Jesse Fry extended thanks to Jake and Jennifer Holdren for their work with Gateway Classics during the annual fair. It was reported the Cornhole Classic Competition was a success with 11 teams competing and the thought was made that with more volunteers, there could be more teams signed up for 2018.

From Minutes Prepared by Jesse Fry

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