Prowers County 4-H Council Officer’s Retreat


On Sunday,  December 18, 2016, the 4-H County Council Officers took their annual officer planning retreat trip to Denver, Colorado.  Our group had some fun activities such as going to a trampoline park, eating out at a local restaurant, and swimming in the hotel pool.  We then buckled down and got busy on our meeting about where and what the 2017 4-H County Council wanted to see take place.

Some of our goals are to increase communication between leaders and members, to set goals and get some of the details in place for the 4-H side of the Lamar Sand and Sage Fair, our community service projects for the year, and what events (camps etc.) to be a part of.  We were also asked to set some personal goals such as what we were going to do, ourselves, within 4-H for the year 2017.  We all had a great time and appreciate the opportunity to meet as a new group for 2017.  Thanks to everyone who helped see this meeting take place.

By Kaden Humrich Prowers County Council Reporter

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