Photography and Music Come Together at Brew Unto Others Coffee Shop

Colorado-Abandoned-Show-Banner-480Lamar, CO (September 22, 2016) – Colorado Abandoned, a photography show by artists Lex Nichols and Vincent Gearhart will be on display starting with an artist’s reception Saturday, October 15th from 5pm to 6:30pm at Brew Unto Others Coffee Shop at 119 South Main Street in Lamar, CO. Colorado Abandoned is a photographic presentation that has captured visually alluring items, artifacts and locations left abandoned to the elements of the southeast Colorado environment. It portrays dilapidated, broken-down, out-of-place or just plain interesting photography. Vincent and Lex have traveled throughout the southeastern part of the state capturing the abandoned essence of the plains in photographs. The ‘Colorado Abandoned‘ show will be on display at Brew Unto Others through the end of October.

Nichols-FamilyAs an added bonus for the evening, the Nichols Family will be performing directly after the artist’s reception from 6:30pm to around 8:30pm.  Lex Nichols and his daughters, Daryl and Kloey Nichols, will bring a fun mix of music ranging from Johnny Cash to Taylor Swift using strong vocals along with guitar, ukulele and flute instruments.   Please come out Brew Unto Others and enjoy The Nichols family as they combine their instrumental
talents and warm vocal harmonies to bring you an evening of music that you will not soon forget.


Lex-NicholsLex Nichols

Lex Nichols was born and raised in Rocky Ford. At about 15 his stepmom bought him his first camera and his interest in art and photography really took off. In 2003 he started Lex Nichols Photography and was doing photography full time by 2004. He earned a Professional Certification through the Professional Photographers of America specializing in portrait lighting, landscapes and digital art (Photoshop). Lex began teaching digital art, photography and Photoshop at Otero Junior College while also running his business. In a few years his wife Jennifer joined the LNP team and now runs the business from their home in Rocky Ford.

Lex has been featured in Outdoor Photographer, Cowboys and Indians, Balloon Life and numerous other national publications. Currently, Lex is represented by Alamy Images Stock Agency based out of the UK where his images are sold worldwide. He is employed by Otero County as Public Works Director but still continues his photography adventures.


Vincent-GearhartVincent Gearhart

Vincent Gearhart has a varied professional background.  A graduate of La Junta High School, he worked for the railroad in a regional capacity for 20 years.  He became adept in computer work through his experience with Computer Products and Services.  That work augmented his career as a sales representative with B106 and KSIR in Ft. Morgan, Colorado.  He has been employed for several years at Robinson Printing, Inc., in Lamar.  Gearhart helped create a successful weekly newspaper which serves Prowers County and is involved in sales, graphic design and publishing for The Prowers Journal.

Vincent has had a passion for photography and from starting and raising a family, his interest in photography became a natural endeavor.  In the past several years, he has expanded his interests with new photographic equipment and software and has been studying recent developments in photography and digital art.  He mainly enjoys taking photos of isolated objects, whether the subject is flowers, animals in their natural habitat, vegetables, automobiles, or any subject that sparks his interest

Filed Under: EntertainmentEventsMedia ReleaseThe Arts


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