Warman Presents Titanic Program to PCHS
admin | Jul 28, 2016 | Comments 0

Courtesy Photograph
On July 21, 2016, Courtney Warman presented a program to the Prowers County Historical Society about the British passenger liner, RMS Titanic that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1921. Courtney has collected information and memorabilia about the Titanic since she was a young girl. In addition to a power point slide show, Courtney shared a display of books, posters, articles, and memorabilia from the fateful event. Her presentation included facts about building the ship; passenger facilities; crew members and passengers who died; and the fortunate ones who survived including The Unsinkable Molly Brown. After the ship wreck, numerous people “faked” being on the ship when it sank. The Titanic is the most famous ship wreck in history and the story has inspired books, films, exhibits, memorials, restaurants, and museums. Dressed in a period costume and hair style, Courtney demonstrated her dedication to research about the Titanic and her passion for the topic.
Supplied Press Release
Filed Under: County • Entertainment • Events • History
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