Archive for July 15th, 2016
Dornella Catherine Caddick…October 5, 1927 – July 13, 2016
A celebration of life for longtime Lamar resident, Dornella Catherine Caddick will be held at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at the Peacock Family Chapel with Reverend Roy Gueswel officiating. Interment will follow at the Fort Lyon National Cemetery in Fort Lyon, Colorado. Visitation for Dornella will be held on Monday, July 18, […]

Pocket Park Concept is Displayed
If all goes well, the proposed Pocket Park for downtown Lamar could be ready by the annual Parade of Lights in early December. That was the hope expressed by Rick Akers from Lamar’s Parks and Recreation Department during a July 14th public meeting outlining how the park would look. Chris Geddes, an associate of the […]

Birth Announcements: Trumble -/- Burnett -/- Emick
Andrea and Brandon Trumble of Lamar, Colorado announce the birth of their daughter Penni Rose Trumble at 5:15am at Prowers Medical Center on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 with Sharon Hendricks attending. Penni weighed seven pounds and eight ounces and was 19.5 inches in length at birth. Brothers/Sisters: Pixie and Owen. Grandparents: Dave and Vicki Lewis, […]

Upgrades for County Courthouse and Fairgrounds
With less than a month before the annual Sand and Sage Fair begins, the Prowers County Commissioners are checking with Kirk Powers, Building Operations Supervisor, with final clean up preparations and repairs that are being conducted at the fairgrounds. “The seats need one more coat of paint and we’re doing handrails, the lights around the […]

Tax Break Donations Sought to Help Fund Fairground Improvements
The Prowers County Commissioners are developing a state administered donation program to fund improvements at the fairgrounds. Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, SECED Executive Director, Stephanie Gonzales, met with the board July 11th to discuss details for an application for Enterprise Zone credits for donors. Working with an arm of the State Office of Economic Development and International […]