PCDI Commits to Community Marketing Investment
Barbara Crimond | Jun 01, 2016 | Comments 0
PCDI, Prowers County Development Incorporated, is investing in the economic growth of the community to the tune of $10,000. The funds will be used to purchase a two page display advertisement in siteselection.com, a publication which is considered the ‘bible’ for companies looking for a suitable location in which to develop a business interest.
The magazine, which is also found online, is a multi-faceted publication which originated 62 years ago and is distributed to 45,750 subscribers in the business world. “We saw this short window as an opportunity that will come our way once in about every 10 to 15 years. Because one book will be devoted entirely to Colorado, we felt we had to make this commitment,” explained PCDI President, Rick Robbins. The price for the advertisement will cover two full pages devoted to the advantages of locating a business in Prowers County and will be placed in the first several pages of the magazine. Several other counties, through SEBREA and SECED, regional economic development organizations, are buying half-page advertisements for the run.
Siteselection.com generates six magazines a year, but also produces a 200 page supplemental issue devoted to just one state and Colorado is on the circulation list for 2016. Robbins and PCDI Vice-President, Aaron Leiker, led a roundtable discussion of stakeholders recently to determine just what type of information that best represents Prowers County should be included. Leiker explained to the gathering, “We’re looking at this through the eyes of an executive who is seeking a location for a business. We’re also seeking ideas about the county from persons who transplanted to the area. What brought you here and what has kept you here. We want to hear from boomerangs, the people who left the county and the reasons they returned. We also want the opinions of people who grew up here and stayed; what was it about the area that determined your choices.”
The answers varied, with jobs, lifestyle, small community atmosphere, quick commute to work, low comparative cost of living, low-priced housing market, room to expand, small schools, warm climate, comprehensive infrastructure for banking, medical care and available workforce to be incorporated into the supplement. Descriptive photographs will also be used to enhance the color advertisement. Leiker said our proximity to highway systems is also a plus for us, “We’re in the middle of Highways 25 and 35 running north and south and between Highways 40 and 70 running east and west. That’s an asset that tells a business venture that, ‘we’re in the middle of everywhere’ for access to a major highway system.”
A visit to the magazine’s website indicates that of the 45,750 subscribers, 57.8% are representatives of manufacturing companies, 58.4% are chief executive officers of a company, 55.2% are representatives of companies of 100 or more persons and 26% are from companies that employ 500 or more. Carla Scranton, PCDI business manager, stated that there will be 15,000 copies of the supplement which will be distributed starting in July and of those, PCDI will receive 500 for its own uses, another 2,500 will be sent to Colorado’s Office of Economic Development and International Trade and 7,500 will be sent to hand-picked subscribers. The magazine will also be distributed at international trade shows and around the country for the next year.
Leiker added that the ad has to bring a reader’s attention to the county’s page in a big way. “We’re competing for attention with other communities, but legitimate businesses have selected their next location through this magazine. The contacts that can be made this way will be worth every penny we spend on this significant investment, so we want to be sure we’re doing it correctly,” he explained, adding, “The things about Prowers County we sell to ourselves, we have to sell to others through this magazine.”
By Russ Baldwin
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