Archive for June 23rd, 2016

CPW Joins Operation Dry Water In Raising Awareness of Dangers of Boating Under the Influence
DENVER – Colorado Parks and Wildlife is participating in Operation Dry Water, June 24 to 26, 2016, as part of a nationally coordinated effort to raise awareness about the dangers of boating under the influence (BUI) and reduce the number of accidents and deaths related to alcohol and drug use on our waterways. Operation Dry Water weekend is the […]

Colorado Corn District 7 Meeting in Springfield July 12
Colorado Corn District 7 meeting set for July 12 in Springfield; NASS data, ARC-CO Program to be key topics of discussion Colorado Corn staff and board members encourage farmers and any others interested to attend our upcoming District 7 meeting in Springfield, where attendees will hear updates about the two Colorado Corn organizations and issues […]

2nd Annual Pirate’s Party at the Buzzard’s Roost Big Success
Once again, our communities came together for fun and a great cause at the annual Pirate’s Party hosted by the Buzzard’s Roost. A wide variety of wonderful auction items were available for bidding, in addition to live music by Judi, the Buzzard’s famous pizza and a lively crowd. The highlight of the evening was and […]

CDOT Announces US 287 Concrete Roadway Preventative Maintenance
BACA COUNTY –Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Iowa Erosion Control have started roadwork improvements along Hwy 287. Work will extend from the south at Milepost (MP) 21.30 in Baca County northward to MP 133 in Cheyenne County, with anticipated completion at the end of the summer. Work primarily involves replacement of deteriorated pavement […]

Tri State 9/11 Tribute, Airport Fly-in Granted Funds by Lodging Panel
Two September events were approved for marketing funds by the Prowers Lodging Tax Panel and one event for October also received financial support during the Panel’s monthly meeting, June 21st. The annual Tri-State 9/11 Tribute received full funding and the bi-annual Fly-In received a portion of their request. Two other events were tabled pending receipt […]