All Entries Tagged With: "Fairgrounds"
City Pays off Water Bond
Kristin McCrea, City Treasurer explained to the council, the city’s Series 2009 Water Activity Revenue Refunding Bonds were paid in full on June 17, 2019 and the balance is now down to $0.00 and there are no further obligations for the District to pay interest and principal on the bonds. The Water Bond […]
County Signs Agreement with City for Ambulance Funding-/-Clarifies Position on Growing Hemp
The Prowers County Commissioners passed a resolution during their final meeting of the year, December 20th, clarifying and amending the zoning regulations and adding new provisions regarding industrial hemp production and processing. The commissioners stated the action was taken to clear up any potential misunderstanding between the moratorium the county imposed years ago […]
Repairs and Upgrades Planned for County Properties
Several repair projects were discussed by the Prowers County Commissioners with Kirk Powers, Building Maintenance Supervisor, during their morning work session on Tuesday, October 10th. The County Annex at South Main and East Cedar Streets will have a new roof before the middle of the month. Powers said, “The demo crew is now on […]
County Facing Costly Water Safety Upgrade
The Prowers County Commissioners are taking steps to comply with the Colorado Department of Public health and Environment to install water backflow devices in county owned buildings. The statewide order impacts most commercial or industrial operations where there is a chance of contamination to public water sources. The device, which is installed at the point […]