Outgoing Prowers County Commissioner Tom Grasmick honored at reception on January 14, 2025

Left to right: Tom Grasmick, Ron Cook and Roger Stagner, Prowers County Commissioners

Outgoing Prowers County Commissioner Tom Grasmick was honored after the January 14, 2025 board meeting with a reception thanking him for his years of service to the county.  He received a commemorative glass plaque and a stone marker inscribed “Grasmick” for his home.  Several county employees and citizens enjoyed the refreshments and a chance to thank Grasmick as he left office.  Prior to the reception, Grasmick told me that he enjoyed his years as a commissioner and that he was proud of everything they had been able to accomplish.  “It wasn’t always easy, but I truly enjoyed it” he said.  Thank you for your years of service to our county, Mr. Grasmick!


By Barbara Crimond

Filed Under: CountyElectionsFeaturedPolitics

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