Lamar City Council holds last meeting of 2024

Lamar City Council met for its last meeting of 2024 on Monday, December 9.  Councilwoman Gerry Jenkins was not in attendance for the meeting.  Mayor Kirk Crespin began by speaking to the audience about the recent city Christmas party, where several employees were recognized for excellence.  Two employees celebrated 40 years with the city this year.  He explained the difficulty in selecting recipients, as they were choosing “the best from the best”.  He said the recent inaugural ‘Thunder Throwdown” went very well and that it drew teams and visitors from areas such as Liberal (Kansas), Dumas (Texas) as well as from northern Colorado and that it was a great opportunity to showcase the city.  He wanted to remind the community of the upcoming annual Holiday Basketball Tournament as well, to be held at the Lamar Community Building on December 19-21.  As this is the last meeting of the year, he wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

City Treasurer Kristin Schwartz told Council that the VALE grant has been received.  The city applied for $20,371 and received $20,221.  The money pays for the Victims Assistance Program among other things.  Also received was a grant for the city animal shelter.  $18,500 was asked for and the city received the entire amount.  This will pay the shelter manager’s salary as well as provide supplies for the shelter.  Donations are still coming in for the new K-9 program.  City Clerk Linda Williams gave an outline of the most recent Sales and Use Tax report, which will be published separately from this article.  City Administrator Rob Evans said the city offices will be closed December 24-25.  There will not be a “Common Grounds” in January due to the New Year’s holiday.  Children have one more opportunity to visit with Santa at the Lamar Library on Saturday, December 14 at 10 am, where there will be stories and craft projects available.

The first agenda item for the night was to hold a public hearing to receive comments from the public regarding the proposed 2024 Supplemental Budget.  As no one was present to provide comments, the hearing was closed and Council voted unanimously to approve the Supplemental Budget.  Next was a proposed Resolution 24-12-02 “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Lamar, Colorado, Approving Update to the Open Records Policy and Schedule B”.  This Resolution would update the current Open Records Policy and Schedule B due to the state of Colorado updating C.R.S. subsections 24-72-100.1 through 24-72-72.705 to include the increase in fees charged for completion of open records requests from $30.00 per hour to $45.00 per hour.  The Resolution was approved unanimously.

Public hearings were scheduled for two liquor licenses.  A Hotel/Restaurant license for Melissa Felan dba/AM Breakfast House and a Retail license for JR’s Bottle Shop will both have public hearings scheduled for January 13, 2025.   An agreement between the Hasty/McClave Fire and EMS and the Lamar Fire Emergency Services for EMT students to complete their required Clinical Rotations in Lamar was approved.  Also approved was an agreement between the Lamar RE-2 School district and the Lamar Police Department.  The Lamar PD will provide security services for after-hour events for the Lamar High School.  This is an annual agreement that runs from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.

A Housing Assistance Application and Agreement with Dean and Deisha Jarvis of Optimus Construction of Franktown, Colorado, was approved.  Optimus plans to build 6 houses in Lamar, having purchased 6 lots on 8th and 9th Streets at Savage Boulevard.  The houses will have potential additional dwelling units (ADUs).  As part of the agreement, Optimus is entitled to a discount on city public infrastructure improvement costs of 50% or up to $5,000 per lot, whichever is less and a corresponding discount on building permit fees of 50% or $5,000 per lot per house, whichever is less, under Resolution 23-09-01.  A CDOT TAPS Grant will pay for curb, gutter and sidewalks on 8th and 9th Streets.  The lots will be rezoned from R-1 to R-3 to allow for the potential ADUs.

An Incentive Agreement for a new Denny’s restaurant was approved.  Managing Member Doug Thrall submitted a Combined Business Incentive Agreement for Lamar Denny’s Restaurant requesting tax revenue sharing, elimination of permit fees, new asphalt, fill dirt and façade improvement assistance.  Renovation/construction is to begin soon, with an estimated completion date of March, 2025.  The new restaurant is in the old Burger King location.

Council then adjourned to go into two Executive Sessions.  The next Lamar City Council meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025.

By Barbara Crimond


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