LCC’s Flower Sale Helps Support Commencement Activities

Flowers for graduates will be available for purchase at Lamar Community College’s (LCC) Nurse Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, May 4 and commencement on Saturday, May 6.
Dorothy Choat, LCC financial aid coordinator, will be on-site for both ceremonies selling flowers for friends and family of graduates to purchase for their soon-to-be alumni. She will be located near the entrance of the Lamar High School where the nurse pinning will be held, and the LCC Wellness Center before the graduation ceremony.
Choat said the flowers, which start at $20, are a great way to commemorate the day and make graduates feel special. They also help to support a good cause.
“The graduation scholarship assists students who have difficulty paying the graduation fee due to financial hardship,” Choat said. “Thanks to the proceeds from the flower sale, these students can participate and walk in the commencement ceremony and celebrate their achievements here at LCC.”
For more information about the commencement or nurse pinning ceremonies at Lamar Community College and how to support the flower sale, visit

Filed Under: AgricultureChamber of CommerceCity of LamarCollegeFeaturedMedia Release


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