Highway 287 Lamar Project – Road Update

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The US 287 Resurfacing and Roadway Improvements project in Lamar continues to make progress. Traffic continues to be reduced to single lane head-to-head configuration. Your patience is appreciated as we work to improve this section of roadway.  Work this week includes shoulder paving, curb and gutter paving, and ADA curb ramp paving. The following are impacts for the upcoming week to be aware of:
Work the week of December 12 – 16
Traffic has shifted and motorists are now into a head-to-head configuration on the southbound side of the roadway from Laurel Street to Savage Avenue (traffic will remain in this configuration through winter 2023).
Delays of up to 15 minutes at Memorial Drive and US 287 intersection are possible
Westbound road closures remain in place at Parkway Drive, Forrest Street, Lynn Street, and Savage Avenue
Motorists can expect minor delays as flaggers guide equipment in and out of the work zone.
Travel Impacts:
Monday – Friday, December 12 – 16, from sunup to sundown, minor delays can occur
11-foot lane restrictions in place 24/7
Side street detours
Detours at various sidewalks are in place
Delays at intersections are possible as construction equipment moves in and out of the work areas
Business access will be maintained during construction. Please obey all construction zone speed limits

Filed Under: Chamber of CommerceCity of LamarConsumer IssuesFeaturedMedia ReleasePublic SafetyTransportationUtilities


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