Lamar Archery Range in the Works for 2023


Concrete Pad Overlooking Second Pond at North Gateway Park


The City of Lamar and Colorado Parks and Wildlife are working to establish a public archery range north of the Arkansas River and North Gateway Park.  Logan Wilkins, CPA District Wildlife Manager, informed the council during its November 28th meeting of plans to secure grants for the project as well as an outline of what the range will offer.  “We’re working to develop an updated property map for the range which will offer Olympic style targets from 10 to 40 yards out as well as a walking range,” he explained.  Wilkins said archers will shoot down from an elevated berm on the south side which will provide safety from any stray arrows for people enjoying ponds.  Entry will be off Highway 50 into a parking lot which will open to a staging area and from then, archers will move eastward and north of the river into the target area.  The city and CPW can apply for grants which will be issued in the state’s fiscal year, beginning in July, 2023.  Under grant provisions, the city will be responsible for a 25% match, or about $4,000 towards the estimated cost of the project at $17,600.  Wilkins said he will provide more specific information for the council at its December 12th meeting.  Efforts will be made to involve area youth in developing archery skills including local 4H members as well as local scouts.

City Administrator, Rob Evans, provided some calendar updates for local activities including the December 2nd, Parade of Lights at 6pm and the Lamar Library’s monthly book sale from 9 to 1pm this Friday and Saturday.  The Lamar Rotary and Interact Club is hosting the annual holiday festival and visit with Santa Claus at the Enchanted Forest on Saturday, December 3rd from 11am to 2pm.  The city is moving forward with press-box development for the Escondido Soccer Fields as well as assorted wayfinding signage around the city which includes the city’s four public parks which includes McCorkle Field.  Evans noted that his weekly Coffee with Rob sessions will be conducted in his office each Wednesday in December.

The council, in a unanimous vote, ratified approval of a motion for an Encroachment License agreement between the city and JR’s Country Stores at 1113 and 1115 North Main Street.  The businesses have equipment and property improvements that encroach on the city’s right-of-way on Martin Street and asked for a perpetual easement.  The city countered with the license agreement which states that at any time there should be need of the removal or replacement of current tanks, JR’s County Stores will need to relocate them to their own property at their own expenses.

A public hearing for the transfer for the ownership of a fermented malt beverage liquor license from the Pilot Travel Center to LVPCO, LLC at 708 North Main Street was scheduled for December 12, 2022.  The new business is now known as TA Express.

Lamar Police Chief, Kyle Miller, was authorized to apply for the Victim’s Assistance and Law Enforcement (VALE) Grant if $16,666 for 2023.  The funds cover the cost of supplies needed to notify crime victims of their rights and resources.  The same amount was received in the 2022 application.  Chief Miller said the $15,000 grant for the new year was approved by the Animal Assistance Foundation which will help offset funds for running the Lamar Animal Shelter.

The council approved Resolution No. 22-11-03 for setting rates and fees for 2023 for the City of Lamar which covers some regular housekeeping updates and will continue to develop amended water rates.

In other action, councilwoman Gerry Jenkins asked that the northern city cemetery be inspected to ensure that it receives the same attention to grounds keeping as does the southern side cemetery.  The Council noted that a link will be developed for the new City by App which will offer maps to help locate various city resources and buildings for residents and visitors alike.

The council tabled Resolution No. 22-11-04 which will update the city’s personnel manual.  There were several unanswered questions regarding the financial structure in which city employees could make use of banked time off.  As this was an involved process, the council tabled the matter in order to provide additional information and guidance on a resolution.

The council went into executive session to discuss personnel matters under C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f) regarding the evaluation of the City Clerk and Treasurer.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: AgricultureChamber of CommerceCity of LamarEntertainmentFeaturedPublic SafetyRecreationYouth


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