Fall Focus planned; Midcap Receives Scholarship
Barbara Crimond | Nov 25, 2022 | Comments 0
DENVER – Colorado Simmental members toured Colorado State University’s interactive educational buildings under construction at the National Western Stock Show complex, as part of its Fall Focus planning meeting.
Fall Focus will kick off with state-hosted events at the complex on Aug. 25, 2023. Following a special tour, CSA held its annual meeting. Officers were retained.
Willie Altenburg of Fort Collins was re-elected president, Jolynn Midcap of Wray, vice-president, and Susan Russell of Sugar City, secretary/treasurer. Chad Cook, an American Simmental trustee from Walsh, CO, gave an update. National Western Stock Show details were finalized. Breed shows are Jan. 14-17 with The One & Only sale on Jan. 15.
CSA gave its congratulations to Bradie Midcap, for being named the CSA Youth Education Grant winner. Midcap, a freshman at Butler Community College, is on the livestock judging team and working toward her associate degree. She then plans to pursue
a bachelor’s in animal science at a 4-year university. “I want to go into the genetics field and focus on reproduction and IVF in cows,” she said. She grew up in Wray, CO, showing beef and swine. In fact, she showed the Multi-breed Supreme breeding beef female at the 2022 Yuma County Fair with KBC Jubilee J101, a Fort Knox daughter.
Midcap has been successful in 4-H livestock judging, including being high individual at the 2020 and the 2022 State 4-H
contests, leading her team to be state champions. She has served as a judging coach tutor, too. She was active in high school sports and leadership roles in FBLA, FFA and 4-H. She was a National Honors Society member, plus her lengthy and impressive resume show church and community work, Altenburg noted.
“Bradie will continue to be a dynamic leader in the ag industry,” said Mark Valko of Wray. “Bradie has a keen commitment to excel – regardless of her endeavor… I certainly look froward to following this young lady,” who Valko predicts will someday lead a state or national organization, “and continue be a valuable advocate for agriculture.”
“Her passion for livestock, especially her own Simmental herd, has allowed her to become a strong businesswoman,” said Travis Taylor, a CSU livestock extension specialist. “She has the ability to carry on an intelligent, logical and meaningful
conversation on a wide variety of topics. Bradie has a strong work ethic and is founded in faith, integrity and committed to her passions.”
Filed Under: Agriculture • County • Education • Featured • Media Release • School • Youth
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