Covid Restrictions Reduced, Cases Stay Steady from Last Week



The Prowers County Public Health and Environment Department released its weekly update showing the Covid cases in the county held firm at 94 from this week to last. There were three cases reported between September 15th and the 29th and zero cases between September 22nd and the 29th.

The county is now listed as Safer at Home, Level One and there is opportunity to discuss applying for Protect Our Neighbors if the cases continue to improve. More criteria need to be met and multiple elected officials need to approve the application for this to occur.

Under Safer at Home, personal gathering sizes have been increased to 25 people. Places of worship and restaurants can accommodate 50% capacity of 175 persons indoors. Offices and retail outlets may operate at 50% capacity. Indoor events may be at 50% capacity for 175 persons and 250 for outdoors.

Schools: Outbreak guidance was revised and released yesterday. Go to for further information. Football seasons will be starting soon. Stay tuned to your school district for schedules, guidelines for fans, etc.

  • Due to COVID-19 restrictions we will be giving flu shots via drive-thru clinics this year. These will be held at the Prowers County Fairgrounds (Savage Ave Entrance) from 10am-3pm on Tuesday 10/06, Wednesday 10/07, Wednesday 10/14 and Tuesday 10/20. An evening drive thru clinic will be held on Tuesday 10/20 at the Prowers County Annex from 4-6pm.
  • If you think you may have COVID-19 and are interested in testing, you can now call public health directly at 336-8721 to schedule. If you are having severe symptoms such as significant trouble breathing, etc. call 911.


Filed Under: City of GranadaCity of HollyCity of LamarCity of WileyCountyEnvironmentFeaturedHealthMedia ReleasePublic Safety


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