Rotary/Interact Donations to Care Net Pregnancy Center
Barbara Crimond | Jul 20, 2020 | Comments 0
Diapers, lots of diapers and baby wipes were donated to the Care Net Pregnancy Center of Southeast Colorado this past Thursday, July 16th.
Lamar Rotarians and their junior partners from Interact, volunteered their time to collect over 2,100 sets of diapers and packs of wipes to the facility at 201 East Oak Street. There is a need as the Care Net Center distributed over 2,500 diapers, plus assorted goodies in the past month to residents throughout Prowers County and Springfield.
Dr. Linda Lujan explained the donations from the Rotary District’s Covid Grant funds helped make the diaper purchase possible. Rick Robbins, another Rotarian, said it was a dollar match with some other local contributions that added some buying power.
Interact group that’s affiliated with the Rotary also had a volunteer in Destiny Jenkins, who will be a junior at Lamar High School this year. “Lori Hammer, the director of the HOPE Center suggested I take a look at the program and I’ve been involved with Interact ever since,” she stated.
The Rotary is also assisting with donations to benefit those at the opposite end of the age spectrum, compiling materials for coloring books for senior adults. Lujan said the books and coloring materials are being gathered and when ready will be donated to facilities in the area such as Lamar Estates. Robbins added that these types of books, that pertain to a senior’s earlier years from the 1950s, are an aid to memory retention. Lujan noted that Brenda Brown, the current Lamar Rotary president, has been in contact with area facilities who will welcome the donations and the books will be divided according to those needs.
By Russ Baldwin
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