Archive for June 8th, 2020
Detour Season Arriving – South Main Water Distribution Project
Infrastructure improvements are underway in Lamar after a several month unplanned delay, mostly attributed to the COVID-19 virus impact. At the start of the year, Mayor Kirk Crespin signed a construction agreement, contract and bonds for the Lamar Main Street Water Distribution Phase II Project, estimated at $1,674,813. The bid for the […]
Lamar Swimming Pool Opens June 15th
Lamar, Colorado – Pursuant to the most recent Public Health Order 20-28, the municipal pool will open on June 15, 2020. The municipal swimming pool will open at a limited capacity, and restricted to no more than 50 people at a time. Bathrooms and showers will be open. Frequently touched surfaces, shared objects and […]
Primary Ballot Information-/-Instructions
Primary ballots will be mailed to active registered voters starting next week (June 8-12). You can double check your voting status or affiliation by going to and do a voter search on your name. After you have voted your mail-in ballot please drop it the ballot drop box located in the parking lot east […]