Holly Trustees: Landfill and Water Issues



The Holly Trustees held a teleconference monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 6th at which time, oaths of office were administered to two new board members; Blain Ice and Vance Brian, each of whom will serve four year terms as well as Casey Rushton who was re-elected to office. Rod Swisher will serve a two year term as will Mayor Calvin Melcher. Anthony Moldenhauer, who was absent, was appointed as Mayor Pro-tem and is expected to take his office at the next Trustees meeting. The Trustees also noted that Town Administrator, Michael Tanner, earned a favorable review following his six month probation period and will, per contract, receive a 5% salary increase.

Tanner provided a written administrator’s report for the trustees which outlined three main areas of concern, landfill, sewer main issues and the need for equipment which can jet/clean its sewer system.  Tanner noted the town has ended its garbage and solid waste pick-up services in view of the recent contract between the town and Plains Disposal. The other two items regarding the municipal sewer system are connected. There has been a problem between Cheyenne and Highway 50 and Main and Fifty Streets which has developed over the past several months. Grease is being dumped in a sewer clean-out and to date, the town has spent almost $3,000 to clean a resident’s basement due to grease clogging the flow. Tanner noted a safety equipment feature for excavation is not available in the town’s inventory.  He stated the need for a vacuum-jetter truck is warranted as a safety feature should there be a trench cave-in. He added that a backhoe or shovels would not be sufficient for the emergency extraction of a work crew. The town’s insurance provider, CIRSA, recommended one be no more than 20 minutes from a work site and the town should inquire about a future purchase.

Tanner also provided a one-page report detailing the efforts over the past two years to upgrade the community’s landfill operations and regulations as well as purchase a new collection truck. It lays out a timeline of events beginning in January 2017 when the town received eight violations by the CDPHE at the landfill. A series of efforts by the Trustees was recapped to keep the landfill open while the board sought a means of financing required improvements. The Trustees also considered a transfer station as an alternative to continuing landfill improvements although that eventually was found not to be cost effective and a contract was signed with a new hauler, Plains Disposal, this past February. Tanner added, “The Holly Board of Trustees consensus has been to prioritize grants and lending services to fund a new drinking well, water tower and water lines to service the community rather than borrowing to establish a garbage transfer station.”

Holly High School student, Jackson Kalma, received the annual ARPA/Holly Scholarship for $1,000 for his thesis submission on energy requirements in the nation.   The Trustees also discussed a $3,600 quote for a tree removal project in Gateway Park.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: City of HollyConsumer IssuesPublic SafetyRecreationUtilitiesWater


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