Regional Science Fair Winners Announced

Chase Cromwell Award Winner Project


The Southeast Regional Science Fair was held on Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at the Lamar Community Building.


Sixty-three students brought projects from around the area: Walsh, Springfield, Campo on-line, and Lamar.

Special Awards went to:  Heather Hancock and Aden Swanson received plaques for Outstanding Forensics Science projects. Braxen Shelton received a certificate and $100 from the Inez Hickey Crill Research Award. Soil and Water Conservation Society awarded $30 to Rayne Tomas, Jamie Hume, Abigail Ross and Chase Cromwell.

Elementary Level:  Grand prize of $100 went to Piper Reitz from Alta Vista Charter with her project, “Fox Fiesta.” Reserve Champion and $50 went to Quinten Epperson from Parkview Elementary with his project, “Burn Baby Burn.”

Junior High Level: Grand Prize of $100 went to Lily Viney from Springfield with her project, “Type One to Type None.”  Reserve Champion and $50 went to Kaije Mosier from Lamar Middle School with his continuation project, “Elastomers.”

High School Level:  Grand Prize and $100 went to Chase Cromwell from Lamar High School with his project, “Plastic for the Future.” Reserve Champion and $50 went to Abigail Ross from Lamar High School with her project, “Detecting Flares Part II.”

The state qualifiers will be representing Southeastern Colorado at the Colorado State Engineering Science Fair in Fort Collins at Colorado State University April 2, 3, and 4th.

From COVA: Emmalie Bryne

From Lamar:  Abigail Ross, Chase Cromwell, Mason Mireles, Armaan Gill, Brennan Brodecky, Braxen Shelton, Kaylee Kurtz, Kaije Mosier.

From Springfield: Brakelle Westphal, Rayne Thomas, Bay Ellis, Aliya Cohoon, Stolebarger, Lily Viney.

From Walsh: Jamie Hume, Reece Mundell, Heather Hancock, David Crane.

Good luck to our Southeast Scientists!

Filed Under: City of LamarEducationEventsFeaturedMedia ReleaseSchoolYouth


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