Merrill Brush Wrestling Tournament Cancelled
Barbara Crimond | Mar 13, 2020 | Comments 0
On Thursday morning of March 12, 2020, the City of Lamar Parks and Recreation Department determined that it is in the best interest to cancel the Merrill Brush Wrestling Tournament scheduled for Saturday, March 14, 2020 at the Lamar Community Building. Governor Jared Polis recently announced that the state wants large public gatherings, including sporting events, “to establish protocols where they can establish safe spacing at events” to help limit the spread of COVID-19.
The student-athletes, fans and communities, are at the forefront of any decisions City of Lamar Parks and Recreation Department makes moving forward. The staff fully understands and believes in what tournaments mean to the communities, and their goal is to uphold the experience of the participants and fans without compromising health or safety.
In addition, per the Colorado High School Activities Association, effective Friday, March 13th through April 6th, there will be NO team practices or games/events allowed. The CHSSA, along with multiple state agencies, will continue to evaluate the COVID-19 situation and make the decision to either resume the spring season on April 7th, at a later date or cancel.
City of Lamar Parks and Recreation will continue to support the local and state administrative decisions made in the best interests of their community.
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