Big Timbers Community Alliance Engaged in National Heath Project
Barbara Crimond | Aug 21, 2018 | Comments 0
Big Timbers Community Alliance has been chosen as the only team from Colorado to send Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) alumni from Prowers County to a National Parent Leadership Institute (NPLI) pilot project! Our alumni will collaborate with six communities across the nation! We are honored to send six participants to New York to participate October 8-10. The alumni will return and use their leadership skills to implement alumni engagement projects throughout the year. All expenses for this training is paid for by the national organization. Braunwyn Nidey is our FLTI Site Coordinator in Prowers County and is also a BTCA board member.
The Big Timbers Community Alliance website is near completion! We are putting on our finishing touches and it will be available shortly! Look for developments at We also are creating a Thriving Colorado Dashboard to measure progress in our four goal areas. We envision a more active and healthy community, want people to stay, live and invest in Prowers County, and develop connections in our community with strong civic leadership. We would like partners to join us for Dashboard work sessions that are being led by Monette Sutphin who is contracting with BTCA to pull together all the data that will be available to our community.
Leadership for BTCA not only resides with board members and the director but is being acknowledged at a grassroots level. Look for our yard signs in your neighborhood. “Big Timbers Community Alliance lives here” or “Ask me about BTCA”. Through our various programs and leadership opportunities, many people are strengthening BTCA at the neighborhood level! This includes One Step Up, Walk leaders, FLTI, Health Equity training participants, Weigh and Win, and partnerships. Did you know Hannigan’s market participates with Double Up Food Bucks which makes produce very reasonable for those who qualify?
Look around at the partnerships that are developing beautiful areas in our communities! The turf at the Hope Center, skatepark, trails, Pocket Park and North Gateway Park are all fun areas to get out and get active! Kris Stokke, BTCA Executive Director recently met with John Sutherland to hear about the tremendous progress with the Inspire Grant and all the work developed on the community’s behalf.
BTCA is also developing additional partnerships, meeting with Lamar Community College and presenting to the Rotary this week. If you would like to contact BTCA: 719-691-2424, email:, on facebook-BigTimbersCommunityAlliance.
Filed Under: City of Lamar • County • Education • Featured • Health • Media Release
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