RSSArchive for August 4th, 2018

USDA Honey Bee Status 2018 YTD

USDA Honey Bee Status 2018 YTD

January 1 Honey Bee Colonies Down Slightly for Operations with Five or More Colonies Honey bee colonies for operations with five or more colonies in the United States on January 1, 2018 totaled 2.63 million colonies, down slightly from January 1, 2017. The number of colonies in the United States on April 1, 2018 was […]

USDA Lists Land Values and Cash Rents in Nation - Southwest

USDA Lists Land Values and Cash Rents in Nation – Southwest

ARIZONA The 2018 Arizona average farmland real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, was $4,200 per acre. This is an increase of 2.4 percent from 2017 and 10.5 percent from 2016. The average value of cropland and irrigated cropland was $8,450, up 0.6 percent from 2017. Pasture […]

National Survey of Cost of Farming Expenditures 2017

National Survey of Cost of Farming Expenditures 2017

FARM PRODUCTION EXPENDITURES-2017 – UNITED STATES HIGHLIGHTS Farm production expenditures in the United States are estimated at $359.8 billion for 2017, up from $346.9 billion in 2016. The 2017 total farm production expenditures are up 3.7 percent compared with 2016 total farm production expenditures. For the 17 line items, 13 showed an increase from previous […]