Wheels Skateboard Park Officially Opens
Barbara Crimond | Aug 13, 2018 | Comments 0
Few recent developments in the City of Lamar have been put to so much continued good use as the skateboard park in Willow Creek Park. The park, in the northeast end of Willow Creek Park, has been in use for the past month since the basic construction was finalized. And there were dozens of kids of all ages in the park this past Saturday, August 11th, hours before the noontime dedication was held.
Opening remarks were presented by Lamar Mayor Roger Stagner, Emma Westhoff and Chana Reed who is a southeast Colorado representative on the Board of Trustees for Great Outdoors Colorado, one of the main funders for the park’s construction. Reed told the gathering, “Since 1992, GOCO has made 26 grant awards to projects in Prowers County with funding here totaling $4.2 million to date. GOCO funding has supported the Lamar Loop, Lamar’s Sports Complex and Alta Vista Charter School’s playground as well as Wiley’s Smith Park Playground and Granada’s City Park.” She said Wheels Park has now been added to the list of close-to-home projects that allow outdoor activities for local residents, adding that State Lottery proceeds have been invested back in to every county throughout Colorado with an estimated 5,000 projects.
She added, “Thanks to the City of Lamar, Lamar School District, Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the continued effort to serve local kids and families with special thanks to Rick Akers from the Lamar Parks and Recreation Department and Emma Westhoff for their hard work coordinating the Generation Wild effort.”
Members of the Lamar City Council including City Administrator John Sutherland were on hand for the dedication which included remarks from Keith Godden who has helped bring awareness to the park as well as instructing some younger members of the public on skateboard techniques and put on a brief demonstration of some moves for the public. It’s not just for skateboards, either, as the park accommodates bicycle riders, in-line skaters and two-wheel scooters. Councilmember Oscar Riley said the council will consider putting up one or two bike racks around the park as almost all of the bikes, when not in use, are just left lying on the ground.
Little Caesar’s Pizza had upwards of four dozen different pies and offered free slices to the public for as long as they lasted. Many parents or simply interested citizens found a shady spot in the fresh sod surrounding the skateboard area, set up a folding chair or put down a blanket and watched the action through the afternoon.
By Russ Baldwin
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