RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Roger Stagner"

Crespin in as Lamar’s New Mayor

Crespin in as Lamar’s New Mayor

  Two Lamar City Council meetings were held Monday, November 11th. The first, conducted by the outgoing council detailed the city sales and use tax report and accepted a 25th Anniversary Plaque presented to the City by the Colorado Junior Rodeo Association. In closing remarks regarding his municipal service, Mayor Roger Stagner offered thanks to […]

LUB Reviews Current Finances

LUB Reviews Current Finances

    The Lamar Utility Board’s final October meeting was brief this past Tuesday, October 29th it was also the final meeting for Roger Stagner, who as Mayor of Lamar, acted as the LUB liaison for the city council. As he will no longer be mayor after November 11th, the council has the option of […]

Council Considers Study for Year-Round Covered Pool

Council Considers Study for Year-Round Covered Pool

    Lamar is joining with High Plains Community Health Center in a Memorandum of Understanding to research the feasibility of a partnership leading to a year-round covered swimming pool or aquatics center to serve Lamar and the surrounding area on an annual basis. The goals outlined in the MOU include:  the ‘low-cost’ study of […]

Reorganization Vote Held for the Lamar Utility Board

Reorganization Vote Held for the Lamar Utility Board

    The Lamar Utility Board conducted a reorganization of the board, voting for and appointing members to specific posts during their regular August 13th meeting.  The action was called for due to a continued vacant seat for one board member and the re-appointment of Doug Thrall to the board after his regular term expired.  […]

Lamar Council Notes Pedal the Plains Attendance Size, Sets Administrator Recruitment in Motion

Lamar Council Notes Pedal the Plains Attendance Size, Sets Administrator Recruitment in Motion

  The bikes are coming, and with them and their riders presenting the need for parking space in Lamar during the Pedal the Plains event September 13-15th. The organizing group received council permission to expand the originally approved parking area for RV’s for overnight camping on Park Street.  Because of increased reservations, the organizers are […]

Seats on Lamar City Council Opening for Candidates

Seats on Lamar City Council Opening for Candidates

  The Lamar City Council will have either several new members, or at least one, following the November 5, 2019 coordinated election. Current Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, has indicated that he will not run for re-election. However, Kirk Crespin, councilman from Ward 1 has stated he will run for that seat, leaving his position open […]

Council Discusses Ordinance for Derelict/Abandoned Downtown Buildings

Council Discusses Ordinance for Derelict/Abandoned Downtown Buildings

          Lamar City Administrator, John Sutherland, handed council members copies of code ordinances used by other communities as a means of curtailing or eliminating blighted buildings in their towns. “They can be reviewed to aid us in coming to a decision about what to do with our own situation,” Sutherland explained.  […]

Lamar Redevelopment Authority Weighs Main Street Business Request

Lamar Redevelopment Authority Weighs Main Street Business Request

    The former Bettiann’s building, a long time fixture at 112 South Main Street in Lamar, is currently owned by Haley May Rhodes of Lamar who is requesting funding from the Lamar Redevelopment Authority to develop her own store. The request was made during the LRA’s September 24th meeting. The total cost of interior […]

Wheels Skateboard Park Officially Opens

Wheels Skateboard Park Officially Opens

    Few recent developments in the City of Lamar have been put to so much continued good use as the skateboard park in Willow Creek Park.   The park, in the northeast end of Willow Creek Park, has been in use for the past month since the basic construction was finalized.  And there were dozens […]

Light Plant Superintendent Briefs Utility Board on Tri-State Power Purchase Agreement

Light Plant Superintendent Briefs Utility Board on Tri-State Power Purchase Agreement

    The Lamar Utilities Board met without sufficient members to form a quorum this past Tuesday, June 12, so no official votes could be taken regarding purchase order approval or payment of bills. Instead, Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh provided details for the on-going Power Purchase Agreement between ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority and […]

Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District

Council Requests Clarifications on Resolution to Create Health Services District

    The Lamar City Council has asked the proponents of the Sage Brush Meadows Nursing Home project for additional detailed information on their service plan and distinctions regarding how the proposed 1% sales tax increase for the new district would distinguish sales tax from user’s tax applications. The proponents of the health services district […]

Lamar Library and Heritage Defenders to Work to ‘Clean Up’ Internet Homework Helplines

Lamar Library and Heritage Defenders to Work to ‘Clean Up’ Internet Homework Helplines

Belinda Groner, representing a local group known as Heritage Defenders, asked the Lamar City Council on Monday, April 23rd, to take action to force homework helpline websites to filter pornographic materials and related advertisements to school age children in the community.  Groner provided documentation from various groups that have followed the money to a company […]

Lawsuit Resolved…City of Lamar and ARPA Reach Agreement

Lawsuit Resolved…City of Lamar and ARPA Reach Agreement

    The City of Lamar and Arkansas River Power Authority have been attempting to reach a settlement regarding the Lamar Repowering Project for several years and the Lamar City Council approved a resolution for the settlement agreement in principle with the power supplier. The city council brought a suit, Case 31, against ARPA in […]

Council Takes Steps to Help Eradicate Blight Downtown

Council Takes Steps to Help Eradicate Blight Downtown

  The Lamar Redevelopment Authority is working to alleviate blight, generally known as Brownfield, in commercial areas of the city. The Authority approved an application for an EPA Brownfield assessment grant which will review environmental conditions of public or private properties.  The funds will be used to hire Ayres Associates which will conduct the study […]

Roger Stagner for Lamar Mayor

  Roger Stagner, the incumbent candidate for Mayor of Lamar in the November 7th election, responded to several questions from The Prowers Journal regarding his candidacy.   What is the one best thing that can be done to open doors to new businesses in Lamar? “Some ideas are being tried out in the city, working […]