Registration is Open for CCA’s 2018 Annual Convention


Registration is now open for Colorado Cattlemen’s Association’s (CCA) 2018 Annual Convention, which will be held on June 18-20, 2018 at the Embassy Suites in Loveland, CO. Last year was monumental for CCA as we celebrated our 150th anniversary, and the year 2018 is all about looking toward the future — look out, Loveland! The “Aggies are Coming to Town!” 


On Monday, members will engage in CCA committee meetings where their voices can be heard and policies that shape the future are formed. Be sure to submit any resolutions for the committees, and nominations for the open board seats, to the CCA office as soon as possible.The Colorado CattleWomen will hold their general membership meeting, followed by the now infamous High Tea! Lunch on Monday will include the Leopold Conservation Award presentation.  In the evening, we will greet our trade show exhibitors with a Welcome Reception.  


Tuesday morning will begin with a “Grab and Stay” networking breakfast in the trade show, where you can mingle with vendors and learn about the latest and greatest agricultural services and products. After the breakfast, attendees will engage in the 1st annual Ranching Legacy Symposium entitled “Survive to Thrive: Managing Risk in Ranching”, which will go through the afternoon. The Ranching Legacy Symposium, and the unveiling of the new and improved Ranching Legacy Program in collaboration with Colorado State University, will also be a highlight of the day.  In the evening, “Game Night at CSU” will commence at Colorado State University’s (CSU) new football stadium for a reception and banquet. Make sure to put your game faces on after dinner for a Casino Night, complete with Blackjack dealers and prizes… and the kiddos will also get in on the fun with their very own movie screening at the stadium. The evening will be full of entertainment as we continue to celebrate CCA’s 151st year and you, the members, who make it all possible. You won’t want to miss it!


Wednesday is the final day of the event and will begin with the Current Issues Breakfast. CCA’s Business session will be conducted after the breakfast, and awards will be presented. Following the business meeting, the conference will conclude with the Keynote Speaker Session, which will be a Governor Candidate Forum to prepare for the upcoming election this fall. CCA’s board of directors’ meeting will follow the session.  


Keep an eye out for CCA’s March issue of the Cattle Guard magazine and on CCA’s website, for registration information, the schedule of events, and exciting highlights. CCA is now accepting sponsors and vendors for its trade show. Booth space is limited, so contact Sarah Smith at the CCA office to reserve your spot today! Sponsorship and trade show forms can also be found on CCA’s website.


Filed Under: AgricultureConsumer IssuesCountyEconomyEntertainmentFeaturedMedia Release


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