RSSArchive for March 21st, 2018

PMC Expects Little Impact from St. Mary-Corwin Layoffs

PMC Expects Little Impact from St. Mary-Corwin Layoffs

  Craig Loveless, CEO of Prowers Medical Center, told the Prowers County Commissioners during his monthly update, that the 300 layoffs announced recently at Ventura Health/St. Mary Corwin Hospital in Pueblo, won’t benefit PMC through potential medical hires. “I really don’t expect to see anyone from that medical field looking in our direction in Lamar,” […]

Prowers Lodging Panel Funds Two Events, Discusses Finances

Prowers Lodging Panel Funds Two Events, Discusses Finances

The Prowers Lodging Tax Panel voted to fund two springtime events and tabled a third during their March 20th meeting.  Panel members have been aware that some repeat event requests have grown larger from one year to the next and are being made earlier on the calendar.  While at the same time, the amount of […]