April Proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month

Prowers County Department of Human Services and BoCC


In order to help raise awareness and protect Colorado children from abuse and neglect, Prowers County Department of Human Services, Prowers County Child Protection Team, and the Hotline County Connection Center joined with the Prowers County Board of Commissioners in proclaiming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In 2017, Prowers County Department of Human Services received 267 referrals of suspected abuse/neglect of children, accepted for assessment 117 of those referrals, and worked with 173 children to determine if abuse/neglect had occurred.

We all play a role in keeping kids safe, and one of the most effective ways to prevent child abuse is for individuals and communities to work together to support kids and families. Parenting is hard but it can be made easier when families have access to services and a network to lean on.

Examples of ways individuals and communities can support families include:

  • A family member offering to babysit so parents can get a little break
  • A neighbor shoveling snow or raking leaves for a young family to lighten
    their load
  • A friend lending a listening ear to a parent who is struggling
  • Recreation centers hosting playgroups
  • Local libraries offering story times for young children
  • Employers allowing for flexibility with schedules when possible

In addition, April is also a good time to remind everyone that anyone concerned about the safety and well-being of a child should never hesitate to call the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect hotline at 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437). Calling to share concerns can provide the support a family needs to overcome difficult circumstances. Prowers County has programs and services that strengthen families, prevent abuse and neglect, aid caregivers struggling with adversity and promote positive parenting.

To learn more about the services and supports available through Prowers County Department of Human Services, (719) 336-7486.

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