New Colorado Corn Administrative Committee Board Members Appointed

Colorado Agriculture Commissioner Don Brown recently approved the nominations of several farmers and appointed them to serve on the Colorado Corn Administrative Committee (CCAC) board of directors. The nominations came from their fellow farmers during Colorado Corn’s District meetings this summer. The three-year terms of these recent appointees began on Oct. 1, and will run through Sept. 30, 2020.


Those who were recently appointed to the CCAC board were:

District 5 (Yuma County)
Director: Rod Hahn (Yuma)
Alternate: Nathan Weathers (Yuma)

District 6 (Cheyenne, Kit Carson and Washington counties)
Director: Josh Hasart (Bethune)
Alternate: (no nominations)

District 7 (southeast Colorado)
Director: Rafe Schroder (Campo)
Alternate: Justin Self (Springfield)

District 8 (West Slope)
Director: Wayne Brew (Delta)
Alternate: Doug Wilson (Olathe)

Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 did not have any terms expiring on the CCAC board this year.

During the Colorado Corn district meetings this summer, nominations were also held for the Colorado Corn Growers Association (CCGA) board of directors. Those nominations will be voted on at the CCGA annual meeting on Dec. 6 in Burlington. Any member can make additional nominations at that meeting, and all CCGA members can vote from all districts. The new CCGA board terms will begin on Jan. 1, 2018.

Filed Under: AgricultureConsumer IssuesCountyEconomyElectionsFeaturedMedia Release


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