County Democratic Meeting Wednesday, March 22 at 6:00 in the Cow Palace, Colorado Room.


This will be a night of action for Prowers County Democrats! We will discuss what’s going on in Congress and writing postcards to send to Ken Buck and Cory Gardner about important legislation.

As we write postcards, keep these bills in mind. Feel free to add to this list.

The American Health Care Act
A more accurate name might be “Americans Without Health Care Act.” Republicans are determined to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act. Unfortunately, the AHCA would leave thousands of Coloradans and an estimated 24 million Americans with no insurance. The Republican plan will raise insurance rates for older Americans while giving a huge tax break to the wealthiest. You can read Congressional Budget Office analysis here: Tell Ken Buck to vote “NO” on the American Health Care Act.

H.R.1313 – Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act
H.R. 1313 would give employers access to employee medical and genetic information, including genetic predisposition to diseases, regardless of your present state of health. This bill sidesteps federal laws regarding anti-discrimination based on genetic information. You can read more about H.R.1313 here: Tell Ken Buck to vote “NO” on H.R.1313

H.R.610 – The Choices In Education Act 2017
Takes money away from public schools by creating a voucher system for K-12 education. This bill also affects funding for special education student. The bill is supported by Betsy DeVos, Trump’s Secretary of Education and a long-time supporter of private schools. The ultimate goal is to privatize education. For small towns like Lamar, this means less money and fewer resources for our students.  Tell Ken Buck to vote “NO” on H.R.610.  You can read more about this bill here:

H.R. 861 – The Termination of the Environmental Protection Agency.
The full text of this bill reads: “The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” Some of us are old enough to remember the pre-EPA days, when lakes burned because of pollution and the skies were so full of smoke that you couldn’t see the horizon. EPA protects our water, our air, and our land. Most reports indicate that this bill is unlikely to pass. However, we need to show our support for the EPA and environmental protection.

These are just a few of the bills currently before Congress. Our postcards should address these and any other pending legislation.

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesCountyEconomyEducationElectionsMedia ReleasePolitics


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